Start The Next Decade Off Right: Leave DezNat Behind

The intended audience of this article is any DezNat, fascist, white nationalist or anyone on the edges of these movements: 

2022 is almost here and we at Expose Deznat want to give you some advice: if you want this year to be a better year than 2021 was, then you need to make a permanent break with the fascist movement. The fascist movement is not one you want to be associated with, and the consequences are often life-ruining. Even if you make it to the top of a far-Right group like DezNat, you are not protected from job loss and your career being destroyed. Your organization can also fall apart leaving you alone to face the consequences.

broken chains leave deznat bigotry

There are, however, options to leave the fascist movement. Contrary to the established mythology around “red-pilling”, people leave all the time, both publicly and privately. There are groups that can help you exit the movement. Be aware that merely saying you are no longer a bigot, racist or fascist while still organizing and associating with your fascist pals is not acceptable. We will know if you are insincere.

Expose DezNat will not go after you for your past. If it’s clear that you’ve left the movement behind, we’ll leave you alone. Just send us an email with an account of your time in the movement (what you’ve done, with what organizations, etc.), what you are doing or have done to provide restitution to the communities you have harmed as a token of good faith/sincerity, be ready to answer some follow-up questions, and make clear in your actions going forward that you’ve left DezNat, fascism, bigotry, and/or white nationalism behind. That’s all. We can’t speak for anyone else you may have harmed, but we don’t get in the way of people trying to do better by themselves and others.

Let 2022 be a year of turning your life around. Reach out for help leaving the fascist movement if you think you need it. Send us a message to let us know about your choice. We look forward to hearing from you: exposedeznat at riseup dot net.

This article was re-published in part with permission by Atlanta Antifascists. We have made changes to the text to reflect our research focus. Original article here.

DezNat “Founder” JPBellum Exposed As Logan Smith Of Fair Oaks, CA and Pocatello, Idaho

Meet Logan Starr Smith aka JPBellum, 40, of Pocatello, Idaho who is the so-called founder of the #DezNat hashtag as well as a homophobic, misogynistic, antisemitic bigot. Logan recently moved from Fair Oaks in Northern California to Pocatello in Southeastern Idaho. He is a return Mormon missionary, graduate of Brigham Young University-Idaho, a member of the Gwen Ward of the Pocatello Idaho Central Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and an original member of the Discord server where DezNat came to life. While Logan enjoys a stable job and marriage, he is also an unrelenting troll who actively targets marginalized people and uses white supremacist memes mingled with Mormon imagery. Additionally, he has targeted gay students and progressive professors in an effort to get them kicked out of Brigham Young University. Logan once said that the only way to be truly anonymous is to get rid of all one’s social media and chuck their smartphone–well he took his own advice too late because today let’s get to know the hateful troll behind the pseudonymous account of JPBellum.

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“True anonymity would be deleting all your social media and chucking your smartphone.” – Logan Smith as JPBellum

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Images of DezNat user Logan Smith aka JPBellum and his wife, Antoinette Smith aka SisterBellum.

Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, as well as references to the Holocaust, neo-Nazism, and acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

Background – DezNat Origins

According to Logan Smith, he was first drawn to Deseret Nationalism after hearing about it from Mormon white nationalist and Identity Evropa member, Ayla Stewart. Logan claims reading an article on Stewart (aka Wife With A Purpose) is what “finally drove [him] to join twitter and start participating in the discussions to explore a movement [he] felt drawn to.”

In April 2018, Logan states that at first he was drawn to the alt-right and then to the “Deseret-right“, because the alt-right rejects “true religion” and is open towards gays. For Mormon or Deseretian Nationalists like Logan, religion, specifically the Latter-day Saint religion, is paramount to nationalist ideology and it is crucial to understanding DezNat. For Logan, the ultimate outcome of Deseret Nationalism or DezNat is the “return of the sovereign state of Deseret under church government.”

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sources: [1, 2]

Although the hashtag #DeseretNationalism was used in 2017 by Matthias Cicotte aka @JReubenCiark and @_DNA_Mond (in August and September, respectively) the earliest known use of the #DezNat hashtag was by Logan Smith aka JPBellum, on 6 Aug 2018. Logan, who claims he started the hashtag, was an original member of the “Bunch of Latter-day Saints” Discord server which is well-known for its hateful, antisemitic, racist, and bigoted messages.

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sources: [3, 4]

Mormon Ethnonationalism

theocracy is inevitableLogan Smith as JPBellum

Logan Smith is a Mormon ethnonationalist. In the case of Mormon ethnonationalism, Logan describes DezNat or Deseret Nationalism as “the recognition that faithful [LDS or Mormon] members are a unique people and should be united spiritually, morally, economically, and politically behind Christ, the prophet, and the [LDS or Mormon] church.” Logan Smith believes that “if all [government] were gone tomorrow the [Mormon] church would fill that role.”

“I’m ok with being called a Deseret Nationalist. It’s like being called a Kingdom of God nationalist.” – Logan Smith as JPBellum

Using Irony and Religion to Avoid Criticism

Logan asserts that DezNat are just “faithful, unapologetic followers of the church, prophets, policies, and doctrines” and that “sometimes [they] use spicy memes to defend the faith.” This is the primary way DezNat avoids criticism from those that oppose the movement. In effect, DezNat is able to use the excuse of “defending the faith” as a cover of plausible deniability for racist, bigoted, and otherwise hateful rhetoric. “This is why #DezNat defends Brigham Young. Even when they call him all these horrible things he was still a prophet of God,” Logan explains, “If they can come for Brother Brigham they can come for any prophet they decide to disagree with.” Brother Brigham (Brigham Young) was the second prophet and president of the Mormon faith who is criticized as having taught racist theories as a part of early Mormonism. Logan has come to the defense of these critiques of Brigham Young several times saying, “Oh, I’m sure he said them or something very close to that. I am simply saying I don’t care that he did,” and “…we don’t care. Imagine that, a 19th-century man having a 19th century opinion. The horror,” and “Never said he wasn’t racist just that we don’t care.” According to the Mormon Church, “Over time, Church leaders and members advanced many theories to explain the priesthood and temple restrictions. None of these explanations is accepted today as the official doctrine of the Church,” (Further reading: LDS Church, Race and the Priesthood).

Logan tweets that he isn’t being serious when talking about Blood Atonement, a disputed doctrine that the Mormon church has disavowed. DezNat is known to use memes of Bowie knives and blood atonement to harass ex-Mormons and progressive Mormons. Using the defense of joking is a common tactic of extremists to avoid criticism (see NPR, How Extremists Use Irony to Weaponize Hate). That being said, Logan has plenty to say about blood atonement. He has stated, “Blood atonement is just another term for capital punishment in a theocratic government,” and in a follow-up tweet explains it by stating, “I know capital punishment isn’t linked to religion that’s why it was called blood atonement. Brutal is relative. England held its last drawing and quartering in the 1790’s so it wasn’t far removed. Your presentism is showing. Saudi Arabia still beheads people. Cultural bias.

Logan also effectively preys upon the fears of historical attacks on Latter-day Saints by attesting that anyone who is against Mormon nationalism, Deseret nationalism or DezNat must be anti-Mormon with an ulterior motive to destroy his religion. For example, after we released our research on Deseret Nationalist Jack Jerman, Logan tweeted, “Just remember that in the coming days no matter what you hear about #DezNat we aren’t the real target, the Church of Jesus Christ is.” He continues his tweet by stating he would “disavow the tag if instructed by church leadership” and then concludes by stating that his enemies “want the Church’s $$$ and destroying its online defenders is step 1.”

Additionally, Logan Smith has been accused by hard-line Deseret Nationalists of being a disloyal optics cuck.

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sources: [5, 6]

Attacks on LGBTQ at Brigham Young University

Logan Smith is a virulent homophobe and queerphobe. He has admitted to targeting a gay student to try to get them kicked out of Brigham Young University. He has also offered cash and gift cards for evidence that would result in the expulsion of so-called apostates, as well as progressive professors at BYU. On one occasion, he offered a $1,000 reward for evidence that would result in the expulsion of a gay student.

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source: [7, 8, 9]

In October 2019, Logan tweeted, “Thinking of offering $100 Chick-fil-A gift card as a bounty for information/proof leading to the expulsion of an apostate from BYU.” Several DezNat-associated accounts replied to the tweet with suggestions on how to implement the “bounty.” One account going by Janessa Taylor replied, “I would just send a letter to the president of BYU and Elder Holland with all of [REDACTED]’s tweets and other questionable doctrines pushed by the Maxwell Institute.” Two days later he increased the bounty, offering a $200 bounty on BYU professors they deemed “apostate.” Other DezNat accounts chimed in offering to contribute to the bounty.

In November 2020, Logan Smith significantly increased the financial incentive to $1,000 for “information or proof of an honor code violation” that resulted in “[the gay student] expelled from BYU.” When another Twitter user replied negatively to the bounty, Logan doubled down on his offer by mocking him, “If you have credible info that hypothetical $1000 can be yours.”

Hank Smith Controversy

In April 2021, a Brigham Young University assistant teaching professor, Hank Smith, called a gay student “Korihor” in response to a tweet by Logan Smith (as JPBellum). Korihor is a Book of Mormon anti-Christ who was trampled to death for wickedness. Hank Smith had over 155,000 followers on Instagram and more than 30,000 followers on Twitter at the time of the hateful tweet [10].

hank smith korhor antichrist byu professor deznat

source: [11]

Hank Smith’s reply to Logan Smith’s account resulted in the mass harassment of the gay BYU student as well as several women. Logan also summoned the support of the Radical Orthodoxy community to “stand and be counted” in support of Hank Smith. “Despite claims that [Radical Orthodoxy] was created to help mitigate extremism,” Meg Conley writes, “@DanEllsworthVA one of the signers of of the [Radical Orthodoxy] manifesto, responded with ‘We’re here.'” referring to the Mormon radical orthodoxy (radox) community on Twitter to stand with the BYU professor. The ensuing fallout resulted in Hank later apologizing for calling the gay student “Korihor.” He excused his disparaging tweet by saying his “emotions got the better of me.” It is not known whether Hank Smith was professionally disciplined and he is still listed as an assistant teaching professor o BYU’s website.

The authors of this article were able to document two separate apologies made by Hank Smith as a result of his response to Logan Smith (JPBellum)–one of which was later deleted.

“I do need to apologize for calling [REDACTED] Korihor. That was unjustified and unfair. My emotions got the better of me. I am very sorry.” []

“I do need to apologize for calling [REDACTED] what I did. I deleted the reply. That was unjustified and unfair. My emotions got the better of me. I am very sorry.” [] (deleted)

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source: [12, 13]

Anti-LGBTQ Hate Rallies at BYU – Umbrella Hate Symbolism

In early March 2021, a rally in support of LGBTQ+ students and faculty was held at Brigham Young University. In response, DezNat organized anti-LGBTQ hate rallies disguised as “Family Proclamation readings.” The JPBellum account was one of the main DezNat accounts that promoted the anti-LGBTQ hate rally framing it as “lgbtq activists…protesting church teachings.” On February 25, 2021 he tweets, “On March 4th lgbt activists are protesting church teachings on BYU campus. Instead, faithful members will show support for the Family Proclamation by wearing BYU swag and *carrying or wearing* an umbrella. Join us.”

Logan Smith’s account, JPBellum, also appears to be one of the first DezNat accounts to use and promote umbrella emojis as a queerphobic hate symbol within the online Twitter Latter-day Saint movement. The day before the March 2021 LGBTQ rally took place at BYU, Logan tweeted, “If you don’t have an umbrella [emoji] in your Display Name I am just going to assume you’re against the Family Proclamation.” (see #FamProc)

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source: [14]

14 Words and Other White Supremacist References

Logan Smith has used a variation of the white supremacist slogan “14 words” mingled with Latter-day Saint imagery. The “14 Words” (see ADL, Hate Symbols: 14 Words) was coined by neo-Nazi David Lane, a member of the white supremacist terror organization The Order. The text of Lane’s slogan reads, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” in comparison to Logan’s text “The greatest legacy one can have is securing the existence of your people and a future for your children.”

If there is any question as to whether Logan Smith is familiar with the “14 Words”, when failed racist Utah senatorial candidate Samuel Parker replies, “The 19 words? Whew boy!” Logan reprimands him for confirming the reference.

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source: [15, 16]

88” is the white supremacist numerical code for “Heil Hitler” where H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. It is one of the most common white supremacist symbols and is also used by neo-Nazis (see ADL, Hate Symbols, 88). On at least one occasion, Logan referenced this recognized hate symbol. In 2021 Logan Smith tweeted, “This tweet is 88 years too late,” in reference to another tweet about Germans. He later replies to the tweet stating the number was “purely coincidence.”

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sources: [17]


Logan Smith is a well-known antisemite who pushes holocaust denial. He has stated regarding Jews, “Imagine your entire social, political, religious, and cultural identity is framed by an event that happened two generations ago. Everything that happens to them is viewed through that lens. They cling to the holocaust because it defines them. Without it they have no context.” In the “Bunch of Latter-day Saints” Discord server, he stated, “To borrow a line from JBP maybe it doesnt matter if the holocaust happened or not, it’s more true than truth at this point so our decisions should be how do we interact with it rather than resist it.” “JBP” is Jordan B. Peterson, a far-right Canadian psychology professor whose teachings have attracted the admiration of those on the so-called alt-light, i.e. white nationalist conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich and Gavin McInnes, the founder of the violent neo-fascist street gang Proud Boys.

In addition to framing ex-Mormons, progressive Mormons, and LGBTQIA people as enemies to the Latter-day Saint faith, Logan Smith has also painted Jewish people as enemies to the Mormon faith and seems to think top LDS leadership does too. In the DezNat Discord server he states, “The Manhattan Temple was an F you to the Jews in White Plains who wouldn’t let it happen.”

Logan also has made statements repeating the white supremacist conspiracy theory that Jews are behind a secret globalist plot. In 2019 he tweeted that there is a “Globalist agenda to make everyone gay” that is “overseen by the Jews.”

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source: [19, 20, 21]


Some of Logan Smith’s more disturbing statements are his beliefs about women. Logan supports repealing the 19th amendment to the U.S. constitution–the amendment that gave women the right to vote. Logan repeatedly uses the #Repealthe19th hashtag [22, 23, 24, 25] on social media and has tied it directly to his anti-feminist views, stating, “Feminism has only tried to homogenize the political power of women as a tool of progressives. Lump them in to [sic] the groupthink and harness their collective ballot power. #repealthe19th.” Additionally, Logan has stated “Nazis didn’t exist until after women got the vote.” He believes feminism is harmful to women. He has also made statements arguing that women destroy organizations when they are in leadership positions.

When Logan isn’t making thinly veiled jokes about women like this one about women’s menstrual cycles, he is proclaiming that women shouldn’t be allowed on the internet at all. In another tweet, Logan says, “Why they let women on Twitter I’ll never understand.” Logan’s wife, Antoinette Wright Smith, DezNat Twitter account was @SisterBellum.

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source: [26, 27, 28]

Logan has stated he believes that the “first duty” of young women is “to get married and have babies (1st duty) instead of serving a mission.” In the Latter-day Saint religion, Mormon women can serve a mission at 19 years of age, and Logan is essentially saying that women should be getting married and having babies at that age. In another tweet he again stated his belief that women should get married young tying it to “falling fertility” rates.

When several women on Twitter claimed they were being harassed by DezNat when voicing their opinions to BYU professor Hank Smith after he called a gay student “Korihor”, Logan insulted the validity of their arguments by stating, “The amount of cope on display because their emotional hostage taking isn’t working is astounding.”

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sources: [29, 30]

Identifying Logan Smith aka JPBellum of Pocatello, Idaho

Logan Starr Smith left several clues that helped us connect him to his pseudonymous DezNat account, JPBellum, such as his age, where he went on mission, as well as details about college, his location, his marriage and employment background. The account also attempted to throw off researchers by providing false information about their identity, i.e. a fake LinkedIn account and claiming their real name was “John Paul Bellum.”


“JPBellum” left clues about his age. He states that he watched the movie, Titanic, on a date while he still lived at home as a teenager. Using Mormon cultural traditions about dating we were able to narrow his age range to 39-41 years of age. Logan Starr Smith is 40 years old.


The JPBellum account stated that he served his Mormon mission stateside in the East and that it was a Spanish-speaking mission with a high Cuban population. He also mentioned that he was not allowed to hike in the woods because of ticks. This led us to the Morristown New Jersey Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Images from Logan Smith’s now deleted Facebook profile showing images from when Logan was on his LDS mission.


The JPBellum account revealed that he went to Ricks College while David Bednar was the president of the school. He also stated in another tweet that they went to Brigham Young University-Idaho where he met his wife. This tells us that he likely first attended Ricks College around 1999, left to go on a mission, and returned after the college had changed to a four year university and been renamed BYU-Idaho. We also had to account for time serving his LDS mission. This information aligns with Logan Smith’s archived LinkedIn and time at the school.

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Images from Logan Smith’s now deleted Facebook page showing he and his wife (Antoinette Wright Smith) at Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg, ID.


“JPBellum” gave us the timeline of his courtship and marriage, including his anniversary month which is November.

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Screen [31] showing JPBellum DezNat account’s courtship timeline to his wife; Image from Logan Smith’s now deleted Facebook page showing his wedding anniversary is in November.


“JPBellum” also gave us clues to his location. We know from his tweets that he is from North California, probably near the Sacramento Temple. We also know that he was having a major life change in 2020 and that he has talked about moving out of California [32, 33]. Logan Smith and his wife recently moved from Fair Oaks, CA to Pocatello, ID.


“JPBellum” has given several clues as to his employment background: worked for his father’s family business, farm or agriculture related. The JPBellum account also appears to know a lot about egg and chicken production. That led us to an egg production business located in Fair Oaks, California, the owner of the company, and then his son, Logan Starr Smith.


After comparing images and information from both Logan Starr Smith and “JPBellum” accounts, we were able to see that he cross-posted images across platforms. One of the most damning images he cross-posted on his pseudonymous Twitter account was an image of a necktie he took in a selfie which he also used as his profile image on his personal YouTube account (recently changed). Another image he cross-posted was a “Santa” image which he posted on both Twitter and Facebook.

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source: [34, 35]

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sources:[36, 37]

Recently, Logan’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts were all deleted, but not before we archived and saved the accounts.

logan smith antoinette smith california idaho deznat jpbellum

Images of Logan and Antoinette Smith [38, 39]

Calls to Action

UPDATE: According to local news KPVI Logan Smith is no longer employed by ICCU after being connected to the JPBellum DezNat account.

1.) Logan Smith is currently employed as a Virtual Service Agent at Idaho Central Credit Union. Let Idaho Central Credit Union know they have an antisemtic, misogynistic, homophobic bigot who mingles white supremacy with Mormonism working for them:

TAG them on Twitter:

2.) Logan Smith is an antisemite who mixes white supremacist and neo-Nazi symbolism with Mormonism. He is also a queerphobe and misogynist who has targeted a gay student and progressive professors at BYU by offering “bounties” (financial incentives) to get them kicked out of school.

Logan is a member of the Gwen Ward of the Pocatello Idaho Central Stake. Spread the word about Logan Smith to Logan’s bishop using the following information:

jpbellum deznat logan smith pocatello id fair oaks ca mormon


If you have additional information to share about Logan Smith or other Deseret Nationalists, email us at exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net


Logan Smith’s social media accounts:

Twitter (DELETED):

  • Display Name: JPBellum, John Paul Bellum
  • User Name: JPBellum *NOTE* this handle is currently being used by an anti-DezNat
  • User Permalink:
  • Twitter ID: 4745389657

Facebook: ID 1040662284 (DELETED)

Antoinette Wright Smith’s Facebook: ID 1035900797

Mormonger Exposed As Cole Noorda of Salt Lake City, Utah

Meet Matthew Cole Noorda aka “Mormonger”, 32 years old, of Salt Lake City, Utah an unrelentless queerphobe who has defended discriminatory practices against LGBTQIA people. Although Cole Noorda rejects he is racist, he uses his Mormonger account as a cover to defend racism and to tell racist jokes. A popular tactic of internet trolls, Noorda uses irony and jokes as a cover for his bigoted beliefs. A longtime supporter of DezNat, he unironically thinks he is “defending the gospel” by using the hashtag (#DezNat). Although Noorda is a returned Mormon missionary, graduate of the University of Utah and has close family connections, this article isn’t the first time Noorda has come under fire for his DezNat Mormonger account. Today, let’s get to know the person behind “Mormonger.”

mormonger cole noorda lds deznat meme

Matthew “Cole” Norda of Salt Lake City, Utah, the person behind the DezNat account “Mormonger”

Content Warning: This article contains racist and queerphobic statements, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.


Mormonger initially came to our attention due to the LEGO Joseph Smith avatar he uses on Twitter. One of the most well-known and longest running DezNat accounts, Mormonger is often confused with an original member of the DezNat Discord server, “Bunch of Latter-day Saints”, that inspired Deseret Nationalism. In screen caps of the DezNat Discord server another user can be seen using the same avatar [1] as the current “Mormonger” account–a LEGO version of Mormon founder and prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr. Incidentally, the original account using said profile image was Ben McLean of Missouri while the current LEGO Joseph Smith is Cole Noorda of Utah. One should be careful not to mix up the two accounts operated by entirely different people.

cole noorda mormonger lego joseph smith deznat mormon

[1] Screencap of the “Bunch of Latter-day Saints” Discord server membership list showing the LEGO Joseph Smith avatar that was first used by Ben McLean of Missouri.

Cole Noorda, the person behind the Mormonger account, would like readers of his account to see him as a comedian, who is just posting jokes. The “Mormonger” account is known for using jokes to deflect criticism, which is a tactic (whether known to Noorda or not) popular among domestic extremists: using irony and claims of “just joking” to spread their message, while deflecting criticism (see NPR, How Extremists Use Irony To Spread Hate).

Interestingly, according to Cole Noorda, the Mormonger DezNat account is followed by Utah Senator Mitt Romney’s sock account on Twitter. Although we have no evidence that Romney is aware of DezNat or Deseret Nationalism, it is concerning any time a politician follows–especially secretly–those who are aligned with politics that endorse hate.

Surprisingly, Cole Noorda tweeted in July 2020 that his Stake President (Mormon ecclesiastical leader) “called him to repentance” over how he shares the “gospel” online. He states, “Stake President called me to repentance. Here’s to defending the gospel in a more kind and loving way. Wish me luck.” When another user going by the name Zachary Thornton facetiously replied, “Be aware defending the Gospel in a loving way, for some is hate speech. Good luck,” Noorda replies with a “those are the facts” gif. Additionally, Mormonger has tweeted that his own mother is worried about the content of Noorda’s DezNat account.

mormonger deznat mormon lds

sources: [2, 3]

Homophobia, Transphobia, Queerphobia

Homophobia and queerphobia is nearly universal with supporters of DezNat. Cole Noorda believes that marriage should only be understood as being between a man and woman as it is a doctrinal concept. Noorda states being gay is sinful and that the only acceptable way for a gay person to participate in sexual relations is within a married heterosexual relationship. In a later tweet he stated, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with gay man marrying a straight woman as long as he is fully transparent. And by transparent, I don’t mean a parent who is trans.” Noorda, who states he works with a married gay man, would “rather [his] gay co-worker not know [he] support[s] “traditional” marriage” because it might cause “drama in the workplace” or get him fired.

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source: [4, 5]

Noorda describes being gay as a biological defect that will be cured during the afterlife. He states concerning homosexuality, “It is my opinion that every single person is born with an imperfection or ‘disability.'” Furthermore, Noorda compares homosexuality with evil impulses, i.e. “when I get upset I want to murder people” but I don’t.

Noorda, who uses the umbrella emoji as an anti-LGBTQIA hate symbol in his display name on Twitter, is opposed to showing support for or solidarity with queer people. He tweets, “I can’t help but notice that none of the brethren have gay pride flags or pronouns in their bios…” Additionally, in his bio on Twitter Noorda also uses a rainbow emoji with the words “Old Testament Ally.” An early DezNat anti-LGBTQ+ phenomena, “Old Testament Ally,” or #OldTestamentAlly is an attempt to reappropriate the rainbow from the LGBTQ community in order to “steal it back for God.” It refers to the rainbow shown to Noah after the Old Testament God destroyed the world in a flood because of wickedness. The DezNat user going by the psuedonym DeseretAussie is credited with starting the hashtag (see The Official DezNat Guide, Old Testament Ally). In December 2020, Noorda changed his Twitter header to include a European-associated neo-Nazi anti-LGBTQIA flyer customized for DezNat.

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source: [6, 7]

Unsurprisingly, Noorda states that discrimination against LGBTQIA people is acceptable, for example one should be able to discriminate against having gay roommates. When others point out that Noorda’s argument is homophobic and discriminatory, Noorda rejects the notion.

A black ultraconservative Mormon influencer who is often the target of DezNat was the subject of an offensive homophobic tweet by Noorda under his Mormonger account, “[REDACTED] is gay as AIDS.”

mormonger cole noorda lds deznat meme

source: [8]

In late August 2021, Noorda responded in favor of a speech given by Latter-day Saint top official, Jeffrey R. Holland, wherein Holland called for “musket fire” against pro-LGBTQ politics at Brigham Young University and their allies by stating “Elder Holland is #DezNat confirmed” and, “Jeffrey R Holland did nothing wrong,” the latter which is a common memetic phrase that DezNat supporters use and is a play on the memetic phrase “Hitler did nothing wrong.”

Noorda also changed his banner image on Twitter to reflect a man holding a musket with the text “A little more musket fire, coming right up…” a direct response to Holland’s speech. That same day he also tweeted, “Elder Holland woke up in the morning and chose metaphorical violence.” A few days earlier he had tweeted the same image while stating, “Elder Oaks: ‘I would like to hear a little more musket fire from this temple of learning.’ #DezNat: [image]” The same week of Holland’s speech, a BYU student and DezNat supporter, Conner Ray Murray of West Plains, Missouri, defaced a pro-LGBTQIA chalk mural at BYU. On September 10, 2021 it was revealed that Murray was no longer a student at the Mormon church owned university.

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [9, 10, 11]

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [12, 13]

Racism and Religion

Although Cole Noorda rejects that he is racist and has stated he would call out others within DezNat for racist remarks, Noorda has no problem defending racism, making flippant remarks about racism or making racist jokes or comments.

In 1978, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially changed its position on prohibiting black male members from holding the priesthood (see LDS Church, Official Declaration 2). Noorda has apologized for the Mormon church’s historical practice of racial discrimination by reasoning that it’s plausible “God had morally legitimate reasons for excluding blacks from holding the priesthood.” According to the Mormon Church, “Over time, Church leaders and members advanced many theories to explain the priesthood and temple restrictions. None of these explanations is accepted today as the official doctrine of the Church,” — something Noorda seems to understand (Further reading: LDS Church, Race and the Priesthood).

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source: [14]

Noorda believes that people should only marry within their race and states that it is acceptable to discourage against interracial marriage. “I do believe (and I think psychologists would agree) that many difficulties arise when people of different nationalities / cultures get married,” Noorda states, “Statistically, your chances of divorce go up if you spouse is a different race.

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [15, 16]

The argument that black people are inherently more violent than other races has been used to justify racial prejudices against black people for centuries. A loaded phrase, “black on black crime”, which Noorda uses here in yet another tasteless joke, has been used to defend this notion. Additionally, the phrase “all lives matter” which Noorda has used repeatedly has also been used to counter the phrase and movement Black Lives Matter. Noorda appears to understand this, yet continues to justify its use. Noorda has also used the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

As mentioned earlier, Cole Noorda makes racist jokes. Noorda tweets, “I have a joke about the Lamanites but it gets pretty dark.” According to the Book of Mormon, the Lamanites (along with the Nephites) are a group of people descended from ancient Israelites who settled in the Americas several hundred years before Christ was born and who are the ancestors of some American Indigenous peoples. The religious text states that the Lamanites, who were wicked, had a “skin of blackness” placed upon them to make them undesirable to the more righteous Nephites. In another racist joke directed at a black extreme anti-abortion activist who is also a DezNat associate and has made racial jokes referencing African American stereotypes herself, he states, “Let me get this straight @spinachtyrant99… A KFC employee asked for your hand in marriage – potentially providing you with free chicken for life. And you rejected his proposal. Are you even black?

mormonger cole noorda lds deznat meme

source: [17]

In another yet another tweet referencing race, Noorda jokes, “I’m a white male, so my DNA results from just say “Apologize.

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [18, 19]

Identifying Cole Noorda of Salt Lake City, Utah as Mormonger

Cole Noorda left many clues that led us to and confirmed his identity as the person operating the Mormonger account on Twitter and Instagram. The biggest clue he left is that he previously linked to his “mormie” (aka normie) Twitter account bearing his real name. He has also used his DezNat account to amplify his mormie account.

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [20] note the link in bio bearing his in real life name as Cole Noorda

Additionally, the authors of this article were able to use other details the Mormonger account revealed to confirm the ID including Noorda’s marriages, information about family members, his location, and where he went on his LDS mission, and the school he attended.


Mormonger has tweeted a lot about Brazil and speaks Portuguese as a second language. He has rode a bus in Brazil, lived in “the Amazon”, and states at least twice [21, 22] that he served his Mormon mission in Brazil. He also said he once mistook the Portuguese word condom for small shirt while on his mission. Eventually, we were able to locate a tweet that gave the specific location of Mormonger’s mission as Manuas, Brazil which is also the same mission Cole Noorda served in according to his Facebook account.

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source: [22, 23]


The Mormonger account tweeted that he graduated from the University of Utah. Cole Noorda graduated from the University of Utah in 2015.

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source: [24, 25]


The Mormonger account has stated that they’ve been married twice, the first marriage ending in divorce and the second wife being a returned missionary who he married in Arizona. They also state that they moved from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City in 2017. Comparatively, Cole Noorda has also been married twice, his second wife being a returned LDS missionary for the Mormon church; they were married in the Gilbert Arizona Temple and moved to Salt Lake City from Las Vegas.

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source: [26, 27, 28]

For some reason, Cole also tweeted that his first wife watched porn because he is not very good at sex (the tweet has since been deleted).

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source: [29]

“Mormonger” has also stated that his father’s name is Matthew which matches the name of Cole Noorda’s father. Mormonger also stated that he has a sister with pink hair which matches an image on Instagram that Cole Noorda is tagged in.

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [30, 31]


The Mormonger account has stated that they have only lived in three areas: Salt Lake City, Utah, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Manuas, Brazil. Incidentally, these are the same places we were able to confirm that Cole Noorda has lived.


If there is any doubt left to the identity of the person behind the Mormonger account, their friend was kind enough to name doxx them:

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [32]

And then confirm their date of birth:

mormonger deznat mormon lds

source: [33]

Cole Noorda aka Mormonger of Salt Lake City, Utah:

mormonger cole noorda lds deznat meme


Calls To Action

1.) Report the Mormonger account on Twitter for hate. @Mormonger

2.) UPDATE: Cole Noorda is no longer employed by Podium HQ after being connected to the Mormonger DezNat account. Cole Noorda works for Podium, a reputation management company based in Lehi, Utah. Kindly, but firmly, reach out to Podium and let them know their employee is a homophobe who makes queerphobic and racist jokes online with their Mormonger account.

Employer – Podium Co-Founder and CEO

3.) Cole Noorda is a member of the Olympus Hills Ward of the Salt Lake Mount Olympus Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Let Cole Noorda’s bishop know that he is a homophobe who makes queerphobic and racist jokes with his Mormonger account. Use the information in the image below:

mormonger deznat mormon lds


If you have additional information to share regarding Cole Noorda , please email exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources of tips with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net

Cole Noorda’s social media accounts:


  • Display Name: LEGO Joseph Smith ☔️
  • User Name: Mormonger
  • Twitter ID: 1408886100
  • Created: 5/6/2013


  • Display Name: Cole Noorda
  • User Name: ColeNoorda
  • Twitter ID: 1071528222108446720
  • Created: 12/08/2018



Facebook: ID: 689358156




BYU Pre-Med Student Exposed As Racist, Antisemitic DezNat Bigot

Meet Kent Wade “Kade” Foster III, 25, aka “Shiz”, an extreme racist, antisemite, homophobe, and misogynist with ties to far-right extremist communities. Kade is an inveterate troll who exhibits violent ideation and has an alarming habit of posting implied threats online. He is a return Mormon missionary, current pre-med student at Brigham Young University and therefor most likely lives in Provo, Utah with his wife, Caroline (nee Smith). He is also an original member of the Discord server that inspired DezNat and is known for its extremely racist, homophobic, and bigoted messages–many of which were posted by Kade. Although he has tight family connections, an extended family support system, and is a newlywed with a newborn, Kade is also among the most extreme and alarming Deseret Nationalist accounts we have researched.

Note: Caroline Foster, the wife of Kade Foster, has confirmed our research in this article. We have retracted an account we associated with Kade Foster in a previously published article. The retracted account does not change our assessment of Foster. Please see UPDATED Call to Action at the end of this article.

kent wade foster kade us army utah byu med student deznat

L-R: “Shizda,” and images of Kade Foster

Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, as well as references to the Holocaust, Hitler, sexual assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

Bunch of Latter-day Saints Discord Server

In 2019, screenshots were leaked from a Discord server called “Bunch of Latter Day Saints.” Two of the Discord users had posted pictures of their faces, which appeared in the leaked screencaps: Jack Jerman, profiled here; and a user whose display name was “𐐹𐐬𐑉𐑌 𐐮𐐿𐑅𐐹𐐲𐑉𐐻 (Shizda).” The Deseret Alphabet letters “𐐹𐐬𐑉𐑌 𐐮𐐿𐑅𐐹𐐲𐑉𐐻” in the display name spell “porn expert.” Using the leaked screenshots we were able to connect “Shizda” to other social media accounts making it easy to confirm his identity as Kent Wade “Kade” Foster III, a BYU pre-med student.

kent wade foster kade byu premed student deznat mormon extremist

L-R: “Shizda,” and Kade Foster’s Facebook, Caroline Foster’s Twitter, and a public image from Caroline Foster’s Facebook account.

In addition to the Discord screenshots, we were able to find archived tweets from some of Foster’s Twitter accounts that have been suspended or deleted (see end of article). Together these social media accounts paint a picture of a racist, antisemitic troll who expresses admiration for Adolf Hitler and has an alarming habit of posting implied threats online.

Kade Foster is Racist

Kade Foster believes that white people are hated by everyone else. In a twitter thread below, encouraging white people to see the world in terms of Us versus Them – “You are on the white team,” “Take your own side,” etc. – another user can be seen objecting to this racist worldview. Refusing to engage in this imagined race war doesn’t mean she is either weak or noble, she tweets; rather, “I’m just another human being, same as you.” Lower replies, “Too bad literally no other race sees it that way.”

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sources: [1]

He went further in a tweet from May of 2020, telling @JustATato, “They hate you because you’re white. If they could, they would kill you and your future kids.”

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source: [2]

Foster seems particularly invested in racial stereotypes about African Americans. In response to a Twitter user who said she had been attacked at school after using an ethnic slur associated with people of Arabian or Indian ethnicity, Foster asked if the assailant was black. When the student responded, “No,” Foster replied, “Weird.”

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source: [3]

And when Jack Jerman posted a picture of an interracial couple in the “Bunch of Latter Day Saints” Discord server, Foster commented that they should “Make fun of her when she gets left as a single mother” – a reference to the racist stereotype of Black men as “deadbeat dads.” He also contributed other racist content to the Discord server. This meme depicts a white woman with a badly bruised eye, and implies that she was injured by the toddler behind her.

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Discord screenshot courtesy @Harambevan

The image also has a watermarked url in the center, which we’ve obscured; the url is a reference to the white nationalist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, the idea that white people are facing genocide or extinction because of “demographic replacement” by non-white people.

Kade Foster also thinks that slavery – literally treating other human beings as property – is “not inherently bad.”

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sources: [4, 5]

In the screenshots below, another user presses him on his theory of “righteous” versus “unrighteous” slavery, asking whether 19th-century American slavery qualified as “righteous.” Foster replies, “Some of it for sure, to think otherwise is you pretending.” After exchanging a few more tweets, the @falsenature account finally says, “on behalf of every faithful saint who has loved and served everyone – regardless of color – F*CK YOU for defending slavery in any form and minimizing the evil of the slaving institution as it existed pre-civil war.” Foster’s response is a sarcastic “Lol, faithful saint…. right.…” – indicating that he believes @falsenature’s stance against slavery is heterodox and that he, Foster, is the more “faithful” of the two.

kent wade foster byu deznat utah national guard

sources: [6, 7, 8]

Kade Foster is Antisemitic

6.000.000 is false. but even if it were true. It wasn’t enough.” – Kade Foster as shizrem

Unsurprisingly, Kade Foster’s taste for conspiracy theories extends to an interest in Holocaust denial. He concedes that some Jews were killed by Nazis, but he also believes there are significant “inconsistencies” in the historical record, which no one is willing to discuss, because the accepted historical account is so obviously “indefensible.”

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source: [9]

Ultimately, though, he feels that however many Jews died in the Holocaust, “it wasn’t enough.”

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source: [10]

He also spreads conspiracy theories about Jews to other Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) on Twitter. Here he tells another user to Google an apparently innocuous phrase that returns results claiming Israel was responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the United States. When the other user asks, “dude what kinda conspiracy theory is this,” Foster, clearly joking, affects to have only just discovered the results of the search himself – but he also provides a direct link to another story about the supposed conspiracy.

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sources: [11, 12, 13]

He also uses the antisemitic “echoes” meme, in which anything surrounded by three sets of parentheses is understood to be Jewish, or an element of the Jewish “conspiracy.”

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sources: [14, 15]


Kade Foster has referred to being gay as a “social virus,” the inference being that if one has a “gay friend” that one is “predisposed to being gay.” Kade also uses slurs to refer to gay people and in a derogatory way.

Anti-LGBTQ Hate Rally at Brigham Young University

Additionally, Kade Foster weaponizes his Mormon religion to defend his hatred of LGBTQ people. On February 26, 2020, Kade, along with other DezNats (Deseret Nationalists), attended an anti-LGBTQ hate rally (aka “FamProc” reading) at Brigham Young University-Provo. At the anti-LGBTQ hate rally, participants took turns reading The Family: A Proclamation to the World (a document published by the Mormon church) in order to show their disapproval of gay people. Kade is alleged to have gotten into an argument with LGBTQ students and alumni at the event arguing that “gays shouldn’t be allowed to date because homosexual marriage is bad and you only date to get married.”

The so-called “FamProc” reading was a reaction to the “Rainbow Day” event planned to be held a week later. It was organized by Color the Campus to show solidarity with queer students who were affected by recent changes to BYU’s Honor Code forbidding LGBTQ students to date. Color the Campus is an organization founded by BYU student Bradley Talbot in 2019 that supports LGBTQ+ students and faculty at LDS owned schools. The anti-LGBTQ hate rally was planned by DezNat supporters and promoted on social media ahead of time.

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Kade Foster (along with other Deseret Nationalists) weaponizing the Latter-day Saint document The Family: A Proclamation to the World against LGBTQIA people at Brigham Young University on February, 26, 2020.

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Left: Kade Foster (along with other Deseret Nationalists) weaponizing the Latter-day Saint document The Family: A Proclamation to the World against LGBTQIA people at Brigham Young University on February, 26, 2020; Right: Kade Foster, cropped.


Kade Foster is a misogynist. He views women as inferior to men going as far as to say that “being a woman is a crime against nature.” He has also stated that the 19th Amendment–the amendment that gave women in the United States the right to vote–should be repealed, calling it the “final solution” to society’s problems. “Final Solution” is a euphemism used by Nazi Germany’s leaders to refer to the mass murder of Europe’s Jews.

When another DezNat asked for “wrong answers only” to what would make General Conference different this year, Kade responded, “Women get the priesthood and will finally be (((equal))) to men.” Here Kade uses the antisemitic “echoes” meme, in which anything surrounded by three sets of parentheses is understood to be Jewish, or an element of the Jewish “conspiracy.” The “echoes” meme was created by neo-Nazi blogger and podcaster Mike “Enoch” Peinovich. General conference is a semi-annual two day conference where Latter-day Saints/Mormons gather to listen to top church leaders, and where general announcements affecting the church and its members are commonly made.

kent wade foster kade byu premed student deznat mormon misogyny

sources: [16, 17, 18]

Kade insinuates that women are not as intelligent as men when he states, “You missed the joke, but you’re a woman, so I don’t blame you.” In another generalized insult directed at women, he claims that “Women aren’t funny.”

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source: [19] – Kade Foster is a pre-med student at Brigham Young University

Additionally, Kade Foster has also disturbingly tweeted that, “Age of consent doesn’t exist. #DezNat.” In a separate tweet he stated that he can’t help it that he has “Resting Rape Face.”

kent wade foster kade deznat army medical mormon rape consent

sources: [21, 22]

Kade Foster, Fascist Fanboy

Foster’s belief in “Jewish conspiracies” probably explains his admiration for Hitler.

“[Hitler] gave us hope.” – Kade Foster as Shizda

kade foster deznat discord

screenshot from Google drive, archived here and here.

Ties to Extremism

In addition to his interactions with DezNat, there are indications that Kade Foster has been involved with other far-right communities online. In 2019 he tweeted a screenshot that appears to indicate he is posting on 4chan, the controversial image board that has been associated with numerous incidents of harassment and bullying, as well as hosting illegal and offensive content.

4chan online extremism deznat

“This is my friend. She is blood and soil girl.” – Kade Foster as Shizda

We also know that he brought at least two new users into the Deznat Discord server: “svolochska” and “Aryana.” He introduces “svolochska” as a friend, describing her as “blood and soil” girl – a reference to the German slogan “Blut und Bohden,” which was popularized in Nazi Germany and is still used by neo-Nazis. The second user, “Aryana,” is someone he knows “from Baked Alaska’s server.” “Baked Alaska” is the pseudonym of Tim Gionet, an antisemitic conspiracy theorist and neo-Nazi notorious for his participation in the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017, at which a counter-protester was murdered.

kade foster deznat discord

screenshots from Google drive; screencap from video of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in August 2017 [00:34-00:38]

Violent Ideation and Implied Threats

Foster also has an unsettling habit of implying that he might take violent action against his perceived enemies. In the screenshot below (left), a twitter user posts a screenshot of someone else’s Twitter account, remarking “These people think they can f*ck is[sic] over, laugh about and that we’ll just take it like good little boys.” Foster replies, “Find her name and address.” At right he can be seen in a similar conversation in the Deznat Discord server in 2019, in the #gospel channel, discussing an LDS church member who advocates for greater acceptance of LGBTQ members within the church. “I want to find out where this [slur] lives,” Lower declares. Jack Jerman says the man might be a bishop in the church, and Foster says, “If he is, I would call his stake president,” i.e., his direct ecclesiastical supervisor. When Jerman indicates that the man is not currently a bishop – which means Foster doesn’t need to call his stake president – Foster reiterates, “Find out where he lives.”

kade foster deznat med byu lds racist

sources: [28, screenshot by @Harambevan]

“I’m finna go full John 2 on that queer.” – Kade Foster as shizrem

In February of 2020, he tweeted about a gay church member, “I’m finna go full John 2 on that queer,” presumably referring to the New Testament story of Jesus driving the money-changers out of the temple with a whip. He has also made more generalized statements such as “kill all looters” and “Kill your local birth-control producer.”

1 kade foster byu premed student deznat mormon

sources: [29, 30]

The Trace – Identifying Kade Foster

Using information from his and his wife’s tweets, we were able to identify Kade Foster as the person behind the DezNat accounts known as “Shiz.” This identification led us to additional social media accounts belonging to Kade and his wife, Caroline. Here’s some of the information we used to connect Kade to his DezNat pseudonymous accounts:

  1. Attends BYU-Provo
  2. Is a pre-med student
  3. Birthday is in June
  4. His and his wife’s monogram initials are “KFC”
  5. His wife calls him by name – “Kade
  6. His wife’s old account went by “Caroline
  7. His and his wife’s ages

Additionally, Kade’s wife, Caroline Foster, who is 23 years old, posted an image of him on Twitter which helped us connect their accounts and confirm their real life identities.

caroline foster kade byu deznat mormon extremist

source: [34]

Caroline Foster self-identifies as a fascist. She has stated, “i keep learning that i am much more fascist than libertarian. interesting,” and “i call myself a fascist so the haters have nothing on me.” Kade Foster used a screencap of the latter statement as one of his banner images on Twitter.

kent wade foster kade byu premed student deznat mormon misogyny


Calls To Action

We know from his and his wife’s tweets that Kade Foster is a BYU student, and that he plans to go to medical school [link]. He doesn’t particularly want to be a doctor; he says he’d rather be a farmer or a carpenter, but believes that wouldn’t allow his family to have the same opportunities he has had. His stated reason for wanting to go to med school is “so I can make money” – if all he wanted to do was save lives, he’d be a paramedic instead.

Given Foster’s history of racism and other bigotry, we also would rather he didn’t become a doctor, or a paramedic for that matter. It’s hard to imagine that he’d provide the same quality of care for Jewish or African American patients as he would for white ones. When you see the world as a game of Us versus Them, where everyone who doesn’t look like you would kill you and your family if they could, why would you want “Them” to receive medical treatment at all?

1.) Kade Foster is a white supremacist and hateful bigot. The Mormon church has officially stated:

White supremacist attitudes are morally wrong and sinful, and we condemn them. Church members who promote or pursue a “white culture” or white supremacy agenda are not in harmony with the teachings of the Church.”

In order to attend Brigham Young University (BYU) all students must receive an ecclesiastical endorsement from their bishop or equivalent. Hold the University and Kade’s local leadership accountable to the LDS Church’s official statement. We do not know which ward Kade and his wife currently attend, but we are fairly certain it is in the Provo, Utah area. Kindly let local leaders know that Kade Foster is a white supremacist.


If you have additional information to share regarding Kade Foster, please email exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources of tips with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net


Kade Foster’s social media accounts:

Twitter 1 (suspended):

  • Display Name: (multiple)
  • User Name: @NKCMemory, shizrem
  • Twitter ID: 1188618225363247104

Twitter 2:

  • Display Name: Shizposter
  • User Name: @Shizposter1
  • Twitter ID: 1126349091204526080
  • Created: 5/09/2019

Facebook: (deleted)

Caroline Foster‘s social media accounts:

Twitter 1 (suspended)

  • Display Name: Darth Caro
    User Name: @disneycaroline

Twitter 2 (self-suspended, see Twitter 3)

  • Display Name: Darth Caro
    User Name: @darthcaro
  • Twitter ID: 1257248779276742656
  • Created: 5/4/2020

Twitter 3

  • Display Name: Darth Caro
  • User Name: @darthcaro
  • Twitter ID: 1429294466993573890
  • Created: 8/22/2021

Facebook: ID: 1798164405

Madeline Jones Of Roswell, NM Exposed As Racist, Misogynist, Homophobic Bigot

Meet Madeline “Maddy Jones aka acinidepepe, 23, of Roswell, New Mexico. Madeline is a racist, antisemitic, misogynisitic, and queerphobic bigot. She is a graduate of Brigham Young University a returned Mormon missionary, a Relief Society teacher, and an original member of the Discord server where DezNat came to life. She is also a member of the Rio Dondo Ward of the Roswell New Mexico Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She shows the signs of a developed fascist, one who can redpill and radicalize others, with intent, by starting with nuance, jokes, innuendo, etc. …and drawing others into the white supremacist movement. While Madeline enjoys close family ties, a strong bond with her brother Nathan (4K), and is an aspiring writer, she is also a hateful person that spreads bigotry online and in person.

madeline jones acinidepepe lds mormon

Madeline “Maddy” Jones of Roswell, New Mexico

Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, Islamophobia, references to the Holocaust, Hitler, assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in her own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.


Like her brother, Nathan (4K), Madeline is interested in eco-fascism. At the core of ecofascist ideology is faulting environmental problems on immigration, overpopulation, and over-industrialization, with the solution requiring ethnonationalism, an authoritarian government, and the destruction of much of modern technology. Madeline has said that we “need” to be eco-fascists. She has joked about Ted Kaczynski‘s (Unibomber) Manifesto, stating, “Unstructured clothing and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the female race” and “The open concept home and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.” These statements are a direct reference to the first 14 words of Industrial Society and Its Future, authored by Kaczynski, and is a memetic phrase sometimes used by those on the far-right and by those within DezNat, i.e. Zachary Martin (Hoss) and Matthias Cicotte (JReubenCiark). For comparison, the original text states, “The industrial revolution and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.”

madeline jones roswell nm acinidepepe deznat mormon racist 1

sources: [1, 2, 3]

Madeline’s friends describe her mostly as a Christian authoritarian and fascist, and so it makes sense that she looks forward to a future Mormon ethnostate. Madeline believes in a future State of Deseret and believes that land within other states should be returned to Mormons to form said state–which she occasionally refers to as a “nation.” She states, “The nation of Deseret requires Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Alberta and what’s left of California. It is our rightful clay. Then my fam will all be in the same country lol.”

When an anonymous person asked her the question, “What do you think we should do instead of KILLING POLITICIANS?” Madeline did not give an alternative, responding, “Maybe we should just do it now that I think about it.”


According to Madeline, she was born into a racist family. “You joining the racism. I was born into it,” she reveals. She says her father Damon Jones (who works for the U.S. Border Patrol and trains other cops) has a “colorful vocabulary of racist terms” [4] and that she thinks “It’s funny.” In fact, she says, “He’s an aficionado on Asian slurs.” Madeline must be a daddy’s girl because when asked if she had to choose between having a rich boyfriend or a racist boyfriend, she replied, “Rich. I can talk him into the racism.”

“You joining the racism. I was born into it.” – Madeline Jones aka acinidepepe

It’s plain to see that Madeline was influenced by her father’s racism, but also that she influences him. Madeline brags that her dad is “worried my brother is a neonazi so he won’t listen to him at all. He’s pretty sure I’m not anymore racist than he is so he’s starting to listen more.” In another disturbing revelation, Madeline replies to another user who posts a bag with morale patches, “love the Rhodesian patch. My dad has a copy of that poster.” Rhodesia is a fantasy nation popular with white supremacists. Dylann Roof, the Charleston, South Carolina shooter who murdered nine people at a historic black church in 2015, had a Rhodesian flag sewn into the jacket he was wearing in his Facebook profile image; the name of his website was titled “The Last Rhodesian.”

Madeline Jones is racist. She hates minorities. Her opinions on black people: “They exist.” The word “negro”: “It’s got a nice ring to it.” In fact, Madeline Jones thinks that racism isn’t a “real problem” and that “the real racial conflict is the blacks vs Jews.” She continues, “Most of the antisemitic hate crimes in New York nowadays are committed by black gangs.”

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sources: [5, 6, 7, 8]

Madeline’s racist statements aren’t limited to black people. When asked to describe her favorite anime in the most racist way possible, she replies combining multiple bigoted views, “A former child jihadist finds he can’t assimilate to peaceful Japanese society as he guards an Asian math prodigy from an elitist cabal who need her to achieve a new world order.” In another tweet she states, “all the intersectional demographics are gonna realize (in general) just how anti-gay and antisemetic blacks, Arabs, and Hispanics are, how racist/sexist Asians are, how racist lgbt people are, how much the Ls, Gs, Bs and Ts all hate each other, etc. It’s gotta happen right?” She has also referred to COVID as “Chinese AIDS.”

“New Mexico sucks but let me tell you we may not have much but we have the best clouds and racial slurs.” – Madeline Jones aka acinidepepe

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sources: [9, 10, 11]

Antisemitism and References to Hitler

At this point it should come as no surprise that Madeline Jones is also an antisemite. Madeline has used triple parenthesis to refer to Jews and callously makes jokes about Hitler. She jokes that the reason Hitler “had such a devout following” is because he was an anime school girl. When someone posted images and asked people to tell them their favorite one, she responds, “Tbh I love the going steady with Hitler one.” In another offensive joke she tweets, “Hitler was a Rothschild send tweet.” If one were to find offense with her horrible jokes, she would chalk it up to acting like a Jew who took it too seriously.

Madeline Jones does not think Hitler, the person that orchestrated the torture and mass murder of millions of Jews, is very evil. She states, “Is Hitler as bad as everyone makes him out to be? — He’s not the best but he’s not the definition of evil.” She explains further, “If you’re asked to name the most evil person in history, and you say Hitler, you’re not very creative.” Madeline thinks Adolf Hitler was just a trivial person, she explains, “I mean I’m pretty sure you could spot a Jew without the star but hitler [sic] wanted to rub salt in the wound. He was petty.”

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sources: [12, 13, 14]

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sources: [15, 16]

On her Curious Cat account, an anonymous user asks, “Have you ever read a news article or seen something so disgusting that made you go. ‘Maybe gas chambers aren’t that immoral after all,'” and Madeline responds, “I like the way you think.” Speaking of morality, when Madeline was given an assignment in one of her classes to write a paragraph on morality and values, she confided, “Probably should turn off this podcast on Hitler’s race theory.”

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sources: [17, 18]

Homophobia and Queerphobia

Madeline purposely uses homophobic slurs. Madeline hates gay people. She states, “Trying to make a play off of Ron Desantis and homophobic slur but I’ve got nothing. Anyways Florida, this is gay.” She claims she has no control over being a homophobe and that “Gen Z are either gay or Nazis or both. I don’t make the rules. Gen Z doesn’t make the rules. Society does.

Madeline also repeats harmful lies about LGBTQ+ people. Madeline is a member of the alt-right, a loose movement with a far-right set of beliefs that reject “political correctness” and “social justice” while embracing white ethnonationalism (see SPLC, Alt-Right). Formerly, she considered herself a member of the alt-light. She states, “When I was an altlite, I got behind the based minority, tolerated the based gay, questioned the tranny. Glad I got out before the based pedo,” referencing the false association between LGBTQ people and pedophilia that hard-line elements of the religious right continues to promote in an effort to demonize gay people (see SPLC, 10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked).

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sources: [19, 20, 21]

Madeline states that “deranged person[s]” are gay. She states later, “Honestly one thing that really gets my goat about the byu inclusion office is that everything is for gay students which you guys insist is all normal and nothing for mentally disabled autists like myself.”

Misogyny and Anti-Feminism

Madeline Jones hates women, gays, and minorities. When asked about her thoughts on THOTS (a misogynistic acronym standing for “That Hoe Over There” and derogatory word meaning whore, slut, etc.), Madeline replied, “They bad. We must eliminate them.” She has also stated that “women should not be a marine, get abortions whenever, nor be thots.” Earlier she equated male feminists to “rapists” when arguing against a woman’s right to choose an abortion, “If everyone really understood the abortion debate, only thots and male feminists (rapists) would still be pro choice.”

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sources: [22, 23]

Madeline is anti-feminist. “In high school,” she tweets, “I was starting to lean more liberal because they were ‘nice.’ Then I saw feminists getting owned online and was like nah I like seeing these people cry.”

She “hate[s] how all [her] female peers are so married to the idea of careers,” and that she feels when she tells them that she’d “rather be a stay at home mom” “they get really condesceding [sic] with me.” Madeline is generally against women in the workforce. She states:

“Anyways this is a big problem with women in the workforce in general and it makes them so depressed. They wanna be the man but they don’t even chase success.” – Madeline Jones aka acinidepepe

Madeline cannot figure out why a man would find a progressive woman attractive. She objects to men dating feminists, saying, “Why is my feminist islamophile roommate always getting dates?? That’s the weird question. Stop it men. Stop it.”

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sources: [24, 25, 26]

The Trace – Identifying Madeline Jones of Roswell, New Mexico

Madeline Jones aka acinidepepe left several clues about her identity and location which also helped us confirm our identification of 4K (Nathan Jones):

  1. She is the sister of 4K (Nathan Jones).
  2. There are four children in her family; she is the only girl and the oldest child.
  3. She is “kinda ginger.”
  4. Her eye color is hazel.
  5. Her nickname is “Maddy.”
  6. She graduated from Brigham Young University-Provo.
  7. She served a mission.
  8. Her mission president sent her home early.
  9. She lives in Roswell, New Mexico.
  10. Her father works for U.S. Border Patrol.

Using this information published publicly online we were able to connect Madeline to her brother, Nathan, and other family members.

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source of Jones family photo:

madeline jones acinidepepe lds mormon

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Calls To Action

1.) Report her Twitter account for hate: @acinidepepe

  • Twitter Permalink:

2.) Madeline Jones is a white supremacist and hateful bigot. The Mormon church has officially stated:

White supremacist attitudes are morally wrong and sinful, and we condemn them. Church members who promote or pursue a “white culture” or white supremacy agenda are not in harmony with the teachings of the Church.”

Hold Madeline’s local leadership accountable to the LDS Church’s official statement. Madeline’s home ward is the Rio Hondo Ward of the Roswell New Mexico Stake. Kindly let local leaders know about Madeline Jones’ racist, misogynist, queerphobic, and otherwise hateful speech.

rio hondo ward lds new mexico


If you have additional information to share regarding Nathan or Madeline Jones, please email exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources of tips with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net


Madeline Jones’ social media accounts:
Twitter 1:
  • Display Name: The Plagiarist
  • User Name: @acinidepepe
  • Twitter ID: 923761503152435200
  • Twitter Permalink:
  • Created: 10/27/2017

Twitter 2:

  • Display Name: Frog Eyes (private)
  • User Name: @ensaladadefrogo
  • Twitter ID: 964620712928428032
  • Created: 2/16/2018

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/madeline.jones.125 ID: 100002361903299


Nathan Jones Of Roswell, NM Exposed As White Supremacist Mormon Fascist

Meet Nathan “Nate” Jones aka 4K, 21, of Roswell, New Mexico, a revolting racist, antisemite, misogynist, and homophobe. Nathan served a Mormon mission in Argentina and Fresno, California, is currently a student at Brigham Young University-Idaho, as well as an original member of the Discord server where DezNat came to life. Although Nathan has strong family connections, is very close to his older sister Madeline, and has a lot going for him, he is also a self-avowed fascist who proudly shouts his hate from the rooftop. He is among one of the worst and most hateful Deseret Nationalists we have come across in our research, and he is unlikely to change his ideology. He is a threat to minorities, women, and LGBTQ people. Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride.

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Nathan “Nate” Jones of Roswell, New Mexico

Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic, ableist and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, references to the Holocaust, neo-Nazism, assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

Deseret Nationalism

While some DezNats will deny the movement is about nationalism, Nathan embraces it’s nationalist roots. An original member of Bunch of Latter-day Saints [cite], the Discord server that gave rise to DezNat, Nathan saw DezNat as an online avenue to explore his fascist ideologies in the company of other Mormons. He states:

“You guys know that DezNat stood for Deseret Nationalism right? …this was originally about Nationalism.” – Nathan Jones aka 4K

Nathan has criticized DezNat for so-called disavowals on Twitter, saying, “disavowal is cringe, don’t use progmo [progressive Mormon] rhetoric, call them gay instead.” Although Nathan considers himself mostly DezNat-adjacent and claims he doesn’t use the hashtag because he doesn’t like the “disavowal game,” he continues to have many mutuals and interactions (e.g. conversations, retweets, and quotetweets) with other Deseret Nationalists.

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source: [1]

Neo-Nazism, Antisemitism, and Fascism

Nathan self-identifies as a fascist, he supports a far-right authoritarian government that, in his case, puts race or ethnicity above the individual through force and violent oppression. In Russia, LGBTQ individuals face violent repression and legal challenges; Nathan supports these human rights abuses by stating, “what if Russians don’t want their country to be a safe place for [homophobic slur]? Why does their country have to be a safe place for [homophobic slur]? WHY? WHY??”

“Dude I’m literally a fascist” – Nathan Jones

Nathan, who appears to be obsessed with fascist ideology, claims he knows all the details of history leading up to World War I, but can’t remember his own shoe size. He says he would rather live in a fascist state and that in order to create a Mormon lebensraum that “first we gotta kick out the Mexicans.” Lebensraum is nearly always associated with Nazi Germany, and refers to the German colonization of other nations for the use and benefit of Germans. Nathan is a white supremacist who desires to create a white ethnostate in the United States. As for Hispanic people who “hate their race” and “are willing to deport illegals” he says, “They can stay. We’ll give them their own designated ethnostate I guess.” Disturbingly, Nathan’s father, Damon Jones, works for the U.S. Border Patrol.

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sources: [2, 3, 4, 5]

According to Nathan’s sister, Madeline, their father is “worried my brother is a neonazi,” but that “He’s pretty sure I’m not anymore racist than he is.” According to her, their father (who is a cop) has a “colorful vocabulary of racist terms” and is “an aficionado on Asian slurs.”

Nathan also dehumanizes people, believes leftists should be murdered, and makes statements referencing Augusto Pinochet, a brutal and violent dictator who ruled the South American nation of Chile in terror. Pinochet is known for murdering political dissidents by tossing them out of helicopters. These so-called “death flights” are the subject of numerous alt-right and white supremacist memes suggesting that communists and leftists be given “free helicopter rides.” When asked what the best way to physically remove communists is if you don’t know how to pilot a helicopter, Nathan responds, “Paying another man to pilot the helicopter and then pushing the commie out.”

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sources: [6, 7, 8]

He also designs memes and other images incorporating neo-Nazi and fascist symbols which he posts online. These images frequently include the sonnenrad, totenkopf, and swastika symbols; he appears to do it for his own enjoyment. The sonnenrad, totenkopf (skull and crossbones or death’s head), and swastika are all symbols used in Nazi Germany and are known hate symbols. In line with this theme, Nathan also admires Mein Kampf, authored by Adolf Hitler. Nathan states:

“There is no cute girl passionately reading Mein Kampf ASMR, why live?” – Nathan Jones aka 4K

Mein Kampf is an antisemitic work written by Adolf Hitler that posits a Jewish plot to control global leadership. It was used by the Nazi regime to justify the extermination of the Jews.

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sources: [9, 10, 11]

Nathan Jones’ antisemitism goes beyond simply espousing his support for, and sharing neo-Nazi symbols and Hitler’s Mein Kampf. In reference to the 2014 Marvel movie, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he states it’s “a couple dudes dealing with annoying jews and women.” Knowing his audience well, he poses the question, “What’s not Jewish but FEELS very Jewish to you?” Numerous antisemitic replies to this question are tweeted from fascists and Deseret Nationalists.

In one particularly offensive joke, Nathan stated that a Book of Mormon prophet wore a siege mask, tweeting, “Actually Abinadi wore a siege mask.” The siege mask, pictured below, is a clothing item associated with neo-Nazi and anti-government extremism.

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source: [12]

Like his sister, Nathan is an eco-fascist. In his bedroom hangs an “Appeal to Heaven” flag–a flag used during the American Revolution–which is now becoming increasingly popular among extremists. In his Hero For Fun blog, Nathan demonstrates to the reader that he is intimately familiar with fascist accelerationist ideology and recommends literature promoting accelerationism, including the writings of Ted Kaczynski’s (the Unibomber) Industrial Society and Its Future. He refers to the opening phrase to Kaczynski’s Manifesto, “the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race” as “the good 14 words.” (The other 14 words being the neo-Nazi slogan made popular by David Lane.) The opening sentence to Kacyzynski’s Manifesto is a memetic phrase sometimes used by those on the far-right and by those within DezNat, i.e. Zachary Martin (Hoss), Matthias Cicotte (JReubenCiark), and Madeline Jones.

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sources: [13, 14]

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An image from Nathan Jones’ blog, Hero For Fun


Nathan Jones of Roswell, New Mexico is openly racist. He has been posting racist content online since at least 2016 and seemingly is accellerating, showing no signs of slowing down. The toxic nature of DezNat groomed Nathan Jones’ racist ideologies; in fact, he claims that after being encouraged to go on his LDS mission to Argentina, the Resistencia Mission actually made him more racist.

“nothing made me more racist than living in argentina, i’ll leave it at that” – Nathan Jones aka 4K

Nathan is a white supremacist; espousing hate toward black, Latinx, and Asian people. He uses the white supremacist memewhite boy summer” and repeatedly comments, “man I love being white.” He often calls out his white Mormon followers on Twitter, usually with a variation of the following statement, “Good morning my fellow whites! …remember to read your scriptures and exercise!” When someone told him, “You are such a backwards evil racist homophobic sexist manspalining [sic] bigoted Nazi. And your probably ableist too,” Nathan replied, “Yes, now get in the gas chamber.”, clearly referring to the Holocaust where ~6 million Jews were killed during ethnic cleansing of the Nazi regime.

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sources: [15, 16, 17, 18]

Nathan often talks about dealing with customers at his place of employment on Twitter. In one instance he describes a situation where two Latinas are speaking Spanish to each other at the register and discarding items they did not want to buy, he remarks, “If retail doesn’t make somebody racist I don’t know what will.” He had a similar reaction to a black female customer, tweeting, “Black women quit trying to pick fights with me at the register challenge (IMPOSSIBLE).” Later, he states, “Weirdest thing I see at work is probably these boomer white grandparents and their mulatto grandkids, this is weirdly common and my town has a minuscule black population.”

Nathan has no problem openly using the N-slur. He has created at least one video using the racist slur and posted it at least twice online. He participated in an N-tower with other Deseret Nationalists to mock someone that was blocked by Zach Martin (Hoss) after they called him racist. Nathan Jones is known so well for being a racist that when an ultraconservative black Mormon influencer blocked him, he tweeted, “i like two tweets and le [anti-black slur] preemptively blocked me.”

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sources: [19, 20, a screencap showing an N-tower that Nathan Jones started]

He has also used “chinkoid” to refer to a person of Asian background. This is especially concerning considering he recently revealed that one of the roommates assigned to him this coming semester at BYU-Idaho is Asian [source].

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sources: [21, 22]


Nathan Jones of Roswell, New Mexico is a misogynist. He is “sick of women on the internet.” He would like to ban women from social media altogether and repeal the 19th amendment–the amendment that gave women in the United States the right to vote. He believes that more women and people of color in government means giving up prosperity and success.

Nathan hates women. He states that if men are “a little mean” to women or don’t like their opinions, they act “like he raped them.” He says women like Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and feminists are “hysterical” and should get “a slap in the face like you’d see in an old movie.” Nathan also talks a lot about how women secretly love sociopaths [23, 24, 25], but won’t date him.

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sources: [26, 27, 28, 29]

Nathan body shames women. He has said, “Probably not a thing on this planet I hate more than fat women.” Customers at his place of employment aren’t off limits. He has tweeted, “Every adult woman that’s come into my store tonight almost certainly weighs more than I do and it’s so gross, like *just stop eating*, go outside.” He called a woman a “dumb (misogynistic slur).”

Homophobia, Queerphobia

Nathan is a queerphobe. He hates gay people. He believes nations should be able to persecute gay people. He believes gays have ruined everything, including candy and color palettes. He uses the derogatory and offensive word “f*ggot” (and it’s Spanish counterpart) to refer to homosexuals. He has used the word “homo” to refer to gay people. He has asked a former member of the Mormon faith, “when are you going to stop having sex with men?” He called George Takei, an Asian actor, a “chinkoid butt pirate.”

After getting his hours cut at work, Nathan stated, “I believe I have discovered the root of the problem, they hired a new cashier and I am 70% sure he is gay.”

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sources: [30, 31, 32, 33]


Nathan frequently uses the word “ret*rd” [34, 35, 36]. He has also joked about people with missing limbs and referred to an in real life Latter-day Saint friend as “sperging.” It should be noted that his older sister says she has Aspergers.

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sources: [Jones family, redacted; 34]

The Trace – Identifying Nathan Jones of Roswell, New Mexico

Nathan aka 4K left several clues about his identity and location while spreading hate online:

  1. He has red hair.
  2. He has 3 siblings, 2 younger brothers and an older sister.
  3. He publicly announced his birthday.
  4. He graduated high school in 2018.
  5. He has lived in California and New Mexico.
  6. He served an LDS mission in the Argentina Resistencia Mission, returned due health reasons and was reassigned to the Fresno California Mission, but had to return early because he got kidney stones.
  7. He is fluent in English and Spanish.
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source of Jones family photo:

Using information Nathan Jones posted publicly about his mission experience, we were able to connect him to other LDS missionaries who served in the same area of Argentina during the same time he was there. We were also able to see he was connected to another racist, misogynistic DezNat–Jack Jerman.

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Image showing Nathan (Nate) Jones was connected to DezNat Jack Jerman. Sometime after May 2021, Nathan Jones “unfriended” Jerman.

Nathan also posted pictures of his bedroom on Facebook and Twitter. The same pine tree flag is visible in both images.

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Calls To Action

1.) Nathan is currently circumventing a Twitter suspension. Report his Twitter account for hate: @HighDefconFive

  • User Permalink:

2.) Nathan is a white supremacist currently enrolled at Brigham Young University-Idaho.

The Mormon church has officially stated:

White supremacist attitudes are morally wrong and sinful, and we condemn them. Church members who promote or pursue a “white culture” or white supremacy agenda are not in harmony with the teachings of the Church.”

In order to attend BYU-Idaho all students must receive an ecclesiastical endorsement from their bishop or equivalent. Hold the University and Nathan’s local leadership accountable to the LDS Church’s official statement. Nathan’s home ward is the Rio Hondo Ward of the Roswell New Mexico Stake. Kindly let local leaders know that Nathan Jones is a white supremacist.

rio hondo ward lds new mexico


If you have additional information to share regarding Nathan or Madeline Jones, please email exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources of tips with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net


Nathan Jones’ social media accounts:

Twitter 1 (suspended):

  • Display Name: Senor Ultra 4K, Sir Ultra 4K, Mister Ultra 4K, Mister 4K
  • User Name: @nateultra4K; @misterultra4k
  • Twitter ID: 3195339001
  • Created: 5/14/2015
  • Suspended: sometime after 5/18/2021

Twitter 2:

  • Display Name: Super 4K(HD)
  • User Name: HighDefconFive, FloresRicardo47, use permalink below for current @
  • User Permalink: (if link doesn’t work then account suspended or self-deleted)
  • Twitter ID: 1395013914065211394
  • Created: 5/19/2021

Twitter 3:

  • Display Name: 4K (Priv) – private
  • User Name: @animepolygamy
  • Twitter ID: 964622656359182336
  • Created: 2/16/2018

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/profile.php?id=100009799960252

Zach Martin Of Mesa Arizona Exposed As Racist, Antisemitic, Extreme Homophobic DezNat

Meet Zachary Scott Martin, aka Hoss, a racist, antisemite, extreme homophobe, and misogynist. Zach is a returned Mormon missionary, graduate of Brigham Young University, member of the Beverly Ward of the Mesa Arizona Maricopa Stake, and an original member of the Discord server that gave rise to DezNat. While Zach has close family ties and a lot going for him, Zach is also an inveterate, persistent troll who uses his online influence to spread hate and bigotry, as well as to harass marginalized people and minorities. Hoss is 33 years old and well known for his videos wearing a mask, playing with Bowie knives. Today that mask will finally be removed as we reveal the man behind the camera.

Welcome to the spotlight, Zach!

zach martin deznat arizona mormon

Zach Martin, aka “Hoss”

Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, Islamophobia, references to assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

Extreme Anti-Communism Politics

Zach Martin was born in 1988, returned from an LDS mission to Paraguay [1] in 2009, graduated from Brigham Young University in 2015 [2,3], and married his wife, Lennai (Lenny), in 2011 [4]. From social media posts we learn that Zach’s mother was at a minimum aware of his extreme political views. In 2013, his mother, Stephanie, was recommending far-right political and Islamophobic articles and videos to him on Facebook. In one video she recommends is a republishing of Robert Welch’s 1958 speech wherein a communist plot to destroy the United States is alleged. The description of the video on YouTube states, “Proof that the NEW WORLD ORDER has been planned by the elite” which is a conspiracy theory popular with anti-government extremists. Robert Welch is the founder of the John Birch Society, one of the most controversial far-right groups known for antisemitism, dangerous conspiracy theories, and extreme anti-communist propaganda. In January 1963 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued a statement  distancing itself from the Society. In the early 1990s the LDS Church reportedly expelled several ultraconservative extremist members from the faith.

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source: [1, 2, 3]

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source: [4]

In 2011, Zach Martin began a blog titled “…a Call to Arms“. Consisting of just thirteen posts, the blog seems to have started as a place for Martin to publish short stories and mission experiences, but soon transformed into a place for him to publish his political thoughts and plagiarize Mormon leaders. In these pseudo-intellectual ramblings Martin is primarily fixated on anti-communism, anti-homosexuality, and attacking trans activists. He also attacks financial aid and welfare recipients on the blog. He has stated:

“What was once seen as noble work fit to support a family is now work only fit for illegals, outcasts, and subhuman.” – Zach Martin, …a Call to Arms

In an article titled Know Thy Enemy …Trans Activists, Martin declares:

“There are legitimate enemies to freedom. I have seen them and I have heard them. These are not the enemies you see featured in the news in far away desert lands. These are enemies closer to home. They do not dress in black and carry AK’s. Instead, these enemies fight you in word, philosophy and in the voting booth. These enemies are seeking to take your freedom. If they cannot take your freedom they want your life. They may not own guns but they seek a monopoly on violence. They wield the mighty cudgel of government force and coercion. I seek to document these enemies so that their violence is exposed.”

Martin also states that he believes that certain political ideologies take away one’s agency, or power to choose, an oft-cited argument used by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to defend anti-communist beliefs. Martin cites two prominent Mormon leaders known for their support of ultraconservative ideologies to make his argument, Ezra Taft Benson and J. Reuben Clark, known for his antisemitism.

The name of Zach’s blog “acalltoarmz”, also goes hand in hand with the name of a previous Twitter account of his:

  • Display Name: H O S S
  • User Name: @acalltoarm
  • Twitter ID: 1199749637256531968
  • Created: 11/27/2019
  • Suspended: (on or around) 2/6/2020

Given Zach Martin’s fixation on anti-communism we were not surprised to discover the Anti-Communist Society Facebook page he created in 2013. As is expected with extreme Anticom politics, Martin’s Anti-Communist Facebook page is popular with neo-Nazis, racists and homophobes. On August 12, 2017, Zach Martin used the page to call James Fields (the scum that murdered Heather Heyer at Unite the Right with his car) a “scared and confused motorist.” In the image below, note the date:

zach martin arizona mormon deznat

Anti-Communism was also tied to Zach Martin’s original profile on Twitter:

  • Display Name: Big Hoss ⚔️ 💪 🐝
  • User Name: @AntiCommieSoc (changed to @BigHossACS between 3/1/2019 and 3/6/2019)
  • Twitter ID: 1081159706
  • Created: 1/11/2013
  • Suspended: Early May 2019
  • Link:

DezNat Related Accounts

ID 814167999288471552:

  • @DHossChrist, then changed to
  • @HossWell47, then changed to
  • @WeeklyHoss
  • Created: 12/28/2016
  • Suspended: (on or around) 9/25/2019

ID 1245591829690478593:

  • @NiasDiad, then changed to
  • @UtahValleyDaddy, then changed to
  • @iamhomosexuaI
  • Created: 4/2/2020
  • Account Status: Active

The Weekly Hoss –

The Weekly Hoss is a live-recorded show featuring Zach Martin (as Hoss) wearing a hat, face covering, and clothing which he uses to disguise his identity. The format of the show usually begins with music–sometimes overlaid with Mormon leaders soundbites–and Martin playing energetically with Bowie knives and other weapons that allegedly viewers send him. Deseret Nationalists are known to create memes [5] and video montages of the show featuring Martin. Viewers are able to participate in a chat during the show and donations to a Patreon unlock additional features for viewers. In June 2021, Martin made episodes of The Daily Hoss available only through his Patreon, stating, “It’s safe because Antifa can’t get the video,” and claiming he was “really scared” his videos would lead to his identity being revealed. Martin has been accused by those in DezNat of theft by not providing promised content on Patreon, and complaints have been met by another DezNat user going by @benhistorical calling at least one of those making a public complaint a homophobic slur.

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sources: [5]

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Side by side comparison of “Hoss”, left, and Zach Martin, right.

DezNat Facebook Page –

The DezNat Facebook page is a DezNat-related propaganda aggregate that was run exclusively by Zach Martin (Hoss) until August 2020. There are as of the publication date of this article, three page managers. The Facebook page serves primarily as a place to share Deseret Nationalist content [6], bully progressives, journalists, former Mormons*, and the LGBTQ+ community [7,8,9], as well as to spread misinformation [10]. Facebook has flagged the page [11] as a page that “may share content that violates our Community Standards.” Martin’s obsession with “antifa” (antifascists) has caused Martin to act out unpredictably and irrationally, purposely spreading lies about antifascists [12] in order to stir up members of the Latter-day Saint faith to anger. A recent post showed an image of a fabricated screencap [13] of an ExposeDezNat tweet that added a sentence not included in the original stating, “If you’re a member of the Mormon Church and you’re fired it’s your fault!” in order to make it appear that the account was targeting members of the Latter-day Saint church.

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sources: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

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sources: [11, 12]

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sources: [13]

In the summer of 2020, a video shared on the DezNat Facebook page was used by numerous far-right and white nationalist media sites in a coordinated misinformation campaign stemming from a shooting at a Black Lives Matter protest in Provo, Utah. In the video an SUV without visible license plates is seen attempting to plow his vehicle through a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters and is shot. Far-right outlets including, but not limited to, The Post Millenial, Tucker Carlson, Jason Kessler, Gateway Pundit, and the alt-right associated Mormon blog, Conflict of Justice, spread the video.

The DezNat Facebook page has also been used to accuse the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News of “working directly with Antifa” [14]. The Facebook page has also disingenuously claimed DezNat has been successful de-radicalizing young members of the Mormon religion [15], published sexist memes [16], attacked a Latter-day Saint LGBTQ activist by calling him a “Korihor” [17] (Korihor is a Book of Mormon antichrist that was trampled to death), published content targeting the Mormon LGBTQ+ community [18], and promoted tweets by established white nationalists within DezNat [19].

On March 5, 2021 the same DezNat Facebook page manipulated an official BYU tweet [20] to state, “BYU did not authorize that gay shit,” in response to LGBTQ activists lighting the “Y” in rainbow colors. The page has also been used to advertise anti-LGBTQ hate rallies [21] at Brigham Young University. In response to an LGBTQ rally that was held at BYU in March 2020 the page posted the face of Ted Kaczynski [22] with the description, “Rumor has it that this was the guy who read the proclamation today at the gay protest at BYU.” The headshot of the Unibomber appears to be a violently themed ironic joke involving a mass murdering mail-bomber and the LGBTQ rally at BYU. A commenter going by the name Sam Chev responded to the meme, stating, “The gay rights movement and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race,” which is a riff off the Unibomber Manifesto and signaling the page’s audience understood the reference.

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sources: [14 ,15 ,16 ,17 ,18 ,19 , 20]

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sources: [21, 22]

Twitter Troll –

One of the most pernicious trolls in DezNat, Zach Martin, known as “Hoss”, is mostly popular for demonstrating especially cruel and offensive behavior. He is known for fabricating tweets [23]. He has also impersonated accounts in order to discredit journalists and antifascists. Martin has also coordinated attacks on progressive Mormons in order to discredit them [24]. A disingenuous reactionary, in late July 2021, Martin used his Twitter account to make the false claim that DezNat is a “de-radicalization movement” working with recognized de-rad groups like “Life After Hate“.

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sources: [23, 24]


Although married to a woman of color that certainly doesn’t keep Zach Martin from tweeting racist things. In August 2020, Martin started a so-called N-tower directed towards a black ultraconservative Mormon influencer, Kwaku El. Martin later joked about it stating simply, “I once typed the wrong letter.”

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Hoss has stated that Jesus Christ himself would use the N-slur and further explained, “Christ speaks to his children in there [sic] own language. Are you saying God doesn’t speak to people who speak AAVE [African American Vernacular English]? That is racist.”

Martin often uses religion to justify his racism. He has stated that “Your offspring will be white depending on their righteousness,” and also that “…marrying within your own culture is still advisable to ensure family unity. Culture and race being mostly interchangeable terms for much of history.”

Reminiscent of the white genocide conspiracy theory, Martin has scolded Deseret Nationalist Nima Cheraghi for not doing his part to preserve the white race by remaining “perpetually single.” He has also attempted to trick other Twitter users into using the alt-right slogan “It’s OK to be white” which was popularized on 4chan in 2017 for trolling purposes and soon afterward adopted by white supremacists (see ADL). Martin has also claimed he is not white while also claiming that on a college application form he would mark “one or more race” because of his Mediterranean ancestry.

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sources: [25, 26]

Antisemitism, Holocaust Denial

Zach Martin is a holocaust denier and perpetuates holocaust denial directly, but more frequently indirectly, to his audience on Twitter. A series of tweets is necessary to demonstrate the broader intent of his insinuations and loaded questions (below). He compares Mormons to Jews in Germany during the WWII Nazi regime, emphasizing Mormon suffering and deaths at the hands of the state and eluding to (paraphrased) “Our peoples’ suffering and death was worse than anything that has ever happened, so clearly, if we’re saying there were six million Jews killed in the holocaust, that means there were at least six million Mormons.”

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sources: [27, 28, 29, 30, 31]

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sources: [32, 33, 34]

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In February 2021 he tweeted, “When my j*wish doctor asks if I want to circumcise my son imma tell him to read the last 14 words of Moroni 8:8 #DezNat.” This is significant because in the tweet Zach Martin is brazenly referring to the neo-Nazi slogan 14 words, as well as the white supremacist numerical code “88” which means “Heil Hitler.” When combined (like they are in his tweet) they create a powerful symbol for white supremacists (see ADL).

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source: [35]

In a tweet that should appall most Latter-day Saints, Zach Martin shared a meme depicting Mormon apostle Dieter F. Uchtdorf wearing a skull mask that is popular with neo-Nazi accelerationists, i.e. members of Atomwaffen. Uchtdorf is a German aviator who was born during WWII.

dieter f uchtdorf lds apostle deznat

source: [36]

Antisemitic content, like the “happy merchant”, is also published on the Anti-Communist Society Facebook page. Created by Nick Bougas,[16] the “happy merchant” depicts a caricature of a “scheming” Jew – a hunched figure with a large, hooked nose and crooked teeth, wearing a yarmulke and rubbing his hands together. The centuries-old stereotype of Jews having large noses and other grotesque features was used extensively by Hitler’s Nazi party to evoke disgust against Jews in the German population;[17] it is still used for the same reason by antisemites like Zach Martin, frequently coupled with other antisemitic motifs involving conspiracy, blood, greed or money. “Bignoseclaspinghandsguy.png” is a reference to this antisemitic caricature.

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sources: Anti-Communist Society Facebook page


Martin is a vile queerphobe and publishes homophobic content frequently. Martin admits to using the word “gay” in a derogatory manner. To Martin, faith doubters are gay. Atheists are gay. The Mormon church owned Brigham Young University is gay. Mormies are gay. Everyone in Utah County is a gay apostate. Martin has even told people who were looking for uplifting words and opinions to “Stop being gay.”

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sources: [37, 38, 39, 40, 41]

Martin is adamantly opposed to equal marriage rights for LGBTQ+ because he views homosexuality as a sin that requires repentance. He does not believe in being gay. He states that “Gays shouldn’t be allowed to adopt.” He also believes that homosexual relationships serve no purpose because it cannot naturally produce children. Martin states:

“Because straight people dating is a good thing that leads to marriage and family. What does gay people dating lead towards? What is the aim?”

Hoss has cruelly written about electroshock aversion therapy, tweeting,

“Gays have been complaining about being forced to be near electricity at BYU for years, but when they decide to mess around with electricity at BYU they call it empowering.”

In 2018, Martin tweeted a  modified Nordic Wear graphic with the intent to attack the LGBTQ+ community. Nordic Wear is a Swedish clothing brand that is connected to European neo-Nazism. The image depicts a heterosexual family holding up an umbrella for protection against rainbow rain. In Martin’s modified image, the family represents a heterosexual family, the umbrella DezNat (later, The Family Proclamation), and the rainbow rain as DezNat’s perceived enemies, in addition to the LGBTQ+ community. Many Deseret Nationalists have subsequently started using umbrella emojis in their Twitter display names to signify their queer-phobic hate.

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One of DezNat’s most well-known misogynists, Martin has exuberantly called himself a “male chauvinist.” Martin has proclaimed that a woman’s only place is at home rearing children, and a woman who does otherwise is a failure. Additionally, he has stated, “Men have dominion over women,” and if a woman “fails” it is because a weak man permitted it:

“Couldn’t the point be simply “Men are responsible for women.” or better “Men have dominion over women” so if a woman has failed there is a weak man somewhere who has permitted/encouraged it?”

Martin also gives misogynistic dating advice, stating:

“If you have fun in the company of woman you are gay or evil.”

Zach Martin has also questioned a female returned Mormon missionary’s sexuality by saying that a woman who does not gain weight on her mission isn’t a real woman. Moreover, Martin has claimed female missionaries are not as successful as male missionaries. He stated “never vote for a woman.” Later, he reinforced his far-right misogynistic political views by stating, “Imagine calling yourself conservative and voting for a woman lol.” Martin also, as a consistent theme, asks antagonistic questions, in this case, “Are you for or against women’s suffrage?” (Seeking an ironic and potentially unintended response from his audience).

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sources: [Anti-Communist Facebook page, 42, 43]

When confronted about his misogyny, Martin has responded with, “Need a white chick built like a pregnant basset hound to explain toxic masculinity to me.” When other DezNats have suggested that married LDS men should not comment on a woman’s appearance, he proposed the question, “What if the woman is really fat or really ugly?”

Harassment, Threats, and Bullying

Zach Martin has repeatedly harassed and threatened those he views his enemies, namely progressive Mormons (progmos) and former Latter-day Saints (exmos). He has suggested targeting Brigham Young University professors by leaving them fake negative reviews. When one DezNat user asked for opinions on what kind of gospel apps were needed that don’t exist, Martin suggested “A way to report apostate behavior.”

Martin has also harassed journalists, most recently one with the LDS Church owned Deseret News in which he called the journalist “an apostate and a coward.” Martin has also stated that “becoming a journalist is immoral because it causes your wife to work outside the home.”

Martin also threatens blood atonement on so-called apostates. Blood Atonement is a disputed doctrine in Mormonism that has been disavowed by the Mormon church in which certain “eternal sins” were only redeemable by the spilling of blood. Martin’s opinion on white nationalist Ayla Stewart is that “all apostates deserve blood atonement but her worst sin was her cringe.” Ayla Stewart reportedly left the Mormon faith when the church’s leaders denounced white supremacy after the deadly Unite the Right hate rally in Charlottesville. Stewart was a member of Identity Evropa, an American neo-Nazi and white supremacist “identitarian” organization.

Identifying Zachary Martin

Zach Martin left us a memorable trail of breadcrumbs leading us right to his real identity. The first link we noticed, was an advertizement of his Anti-Communist Society Facebook page [44] on the far-right, DezNat associated, misinformation website, “Teancum’s Javelin”. After sifting through several posts on the Facebook page we found a display name we recognized: “Martin Grandehoss.” [45] This display name piqued our interest because it was also listed as the administrator for a private Facebook group called DezNat High Command [46]. The Anti-Communist Society post we found stated, “In case I get Zucced permanently, keep in mind that I am on Twitter….” and showed an image of a Twitter account with the handle @AntiCommieSoc, as shown earlier, was Hoss’ oldest account located, to-date. In a comment on the same post, Martin Grandehoss replies to a profile saying, “I got banned from FB for saying Muslims sometimes throw acid on women…”

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sources: [44, 45, 46]

Next, we researched public posts mentioning the name “Martin Grandehoss”. We already had Hoss’ chin, neck, body frame, hair color, and eyeglasses seared into our minds from his YouTube videos, and so when we came across an image with an individual tagged as “Martin Grandhoss” we knew we our guy. Furthermore, the post referred to “Martin Grandehoss” as “Zach” which meant we now had a name to go with the face. A commenter on the post also replied saying, “Happy happy happys semana del padre en Paraguay,” which translates to “Happy happy happy father’s week in Paraguay.” We already knew from Zach’s tweets that he served a mission in Paraguay and were able to confirm when he posted in the Paraguay Asuncion North Mission Facebook group.

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Using Facebook, we noticed Zach Martin had befriended family members, further confirming his identity as Zachary Scott Martin. From a Facebook post dated from 2011 we noted a name tagged in a comment that showed a different name when we hovered over it. This means the display name was changed between 2011 and 2021, but the original tag remained. This shows that “Martin Grandehoss” AKA Hoss, is Zach Martin.

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Browsing public Facebook posts, we were able to locate additional photos of Zach Martin, his wife, as well as information about him that provided additional insight (e.g. living in Arizona). We were also able to identify Hoss’ wife as Lennai (Lenny) Idso-Martin who matches up with an image posted as a selfie by DezNat account @HelaWomyn, who is connected directly to Martin on Twitter (quantified by via retweets, replies, likes, and being mutuals; each following the other).

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Lenny Idso-Martin, connected to an additional Facebook account of Zach Martin’s “Taco BigHoss.”

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Martin GrandeHoss (deleted)

Facebook ID: 1593295685

Taco Stan

Facebook ID: 100028822220847

Lenny Idso Martin

Facebook ID: 100000152604996

Calls to Action


Zach Martin works for Wells Fargo.

UPDATE from Wells Fargo 8/9/2021: Thank you for reporting your concern. Wells Fargo does not currently employ anyone matching the info in this social media profile. Since posted content is not always validated, we’ve found that social media profiles and accounts can contain inaccurate or outdated information.


If you have current employment information for Zach Martin, email us at: exposedeznat at riseup dot net

We do not share sources of tips with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net


1.) Report Zach’s Twitter @lamhomosexual for hate speech.

ID 1245591829690478593

2.) Please report his Patreon account for Hate Speech here:

Reference this Patreon link:

This Twitter post:

and this article:

Spread the Word

Zach and Lenny recently moved from their home in the Phoenix, AZ area. To those who know, please help spread the word of Zach’s behavior to his new ward.

UPDATE: Zachary Martin recently purchased a home in Mesa, AZ in the Beverly Ward of the Mesa Arizona Maricopa Stake at 1054 WEST 2ND PLACE Mesa, AZ 85201 of the LDS Church.

Please help spread the word of Zach’s behavior to his new ward.


If you have additional information to share regarding Zach or Lenny Martin, please email exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources of tips with anyone.

Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net

Kevin Michael Dolan Exposed As Racist, Antisemitic, Homophobic DezNat

Meet Kevin Michael Dolan aka @ExtraDeadJCB; a vile racist, antisemite, misogynist, and hateful bigot. Kevin is a returned Mormon missionary, and one of the original members of the Discord server where Deznat came to life. He enjoys solid family connections, has a Masters degree, a great salary, as well as active U.S. Security Clearance through his role as a Senior Data Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton where he just received a “big promotion“. Kevin has been living dual lives. One in the light, and one in the shadows. Today, we are revealing this 35-year-old Economics graduate of Brigham Young University and MBA recipient from the University of Texas at Austin’s alter-ego. The one he uses on the internet to spew hate, conspiracy theories, and pervert religion to suit his white supremacist agenda.

You’re going to be doxxed. Probably should have nuked your account…” – Kevin Michael Dolan

kevin dolan culpeper va deznat racist booz allen hamilton

Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, references to sexual assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redactions have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

Kevin Dolan – Promoter of White Nationalism

A major influence in Kevin Michael Dolan’s ideology is white nationalist Charles Murray. Murray, a social scientist, is the author of several books promoting racist pseudoscience and using deceptive statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women, and the poor (see SPLC). Dolan repeats these long-discredited theories and presents them as fact or as information worth further exploration. Dolan also recommends literature authored by Murray to his followers and believes Murray’s theories in Human Diversity are an attempt to save America (if not the entire Western liberal order).

Not surprisingly, Kevin Dolan also shares content from influencers within the online white supremacist and extreme far-right corners of the internet, as well as the manosphere. Most notably Dolan has shared content from white supremacist Jack Posobeic, alt-right conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, and Bronze Age Pervert. Confirmed racist bigot Matthew Ryan McInnis aka Ryan Landry lamented the suspension of Dolan’s original Twitter account. In late 2020, Dolan’s Twitter account was featured on the far-right propaganda show Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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sources: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


Kevin Dolan is a vile racist and it is clear he flirted with racist beliefs long before he ever created the John Cook Bennett personality. From his now-deleted blog, Old Lamps for New, we learn that Dolan views the lack of success on his Mormon mission directly the fault of the challenges minorities face, although he does concede that he was nineteen-years-old at the time and didn’t have the proper tools or experience to deal with failure. In fact, the title of one of his blogs is simply I’d Like Another Mission Please. In the blog post Dolan states “I loved those people–at least, as much as I knew how,” but goes on to mention demographic percentages (60% black, 30% white) as well as problems he saw associated with the majority black population he proselyted. Dolan makes it clear he chose to handle failure on his mission where he spent much of his time in Memphis, Tennessee by dehumanizing people:

“For me, I think the solution was detachment, and a pretty dark sense of humor. I hear EMTs talk that way–when it’s your job to help, and you spend so much time around people you can’t help, it’s tempting to dehumanize them a little (or a lot) just to make your world make sense. We weren’t dealing with corpses, but sometimes it felt that way.” -Kevin Michael Dolan

One can make the argument that Dolan’s Mormon mission experience served as a springboard for his harmful views on race later in life.

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Screencap of a post titled “I’d like another mission, please” taken from Kevin Dolan’s now deleted blog, Old Lamps for New.

Under the perceived safety of anonymity is when Kevin Dolan’s racist views really come to light. Dolan views certain races as scourges or forces of evil, views refugees as a drain on the welfare system, and holds negative views on immigration. Dolan responds to the question, “are Italians even white?” with “Black on black crime tbh.” He has also tweeted his approval when others make racist comments towards Asians and towards Indians.

Dolan also uses his religious beliefs to justify racism. He sees the amount of melanin in one’s skin as a “curse” or “mark” from God and uses the Book of Mormon (what he refers to as “the most correct book”) to prove that belief. Dolan also posits that the so-called curse or mark can be erased through genetic mixing with the white race. Dolan has also referenced the sexual assault of Native Americans when arguing for the superiority of the white race. This is particularly concerning considering he says his wife is a minority.

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sources: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11]


In addition to believing that white men are superior to everyone else, Kevin Dolan flirts with antisemitic conspiracy theories. He also has stereotyped views about Jews. Dolan’s hostile beliefs towards Jews has led him to state that Jews are driving evil in so-called power centers across the United States and goes as far as to call them “creatures” that are a “beacon of demonic influence.”

Dolan also uses his Mormon religious beliefs to support his antisemitism. Mormons believe American Indigenous peoples are decedents of ancient Jews who traveled to the American continents and split into two groups: the righteous group having light skin who were called Nephites, while the wicked group was cursed with dark skin and were called Lamanites. According to the Book of Mormon, all of the Nephites were eventually killed in a series of wars by the Lamanites. In a tweet, Dolan poses the question: “Pre-Columbian human sacrifices? Late-Nephite race massacres? What is driving this?” DezNat user @SamParkerSenate replies, “Total mystery, but I’ll bet our illustrious jewish friends would be willing to give you an opinion.” Dolan signals his agreement that Jews are behind perceived evil by “liking” the reply.

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sources: [12, 13]

Dolan uses a mixture of antisemitic conspiracy theories (e.g. “Elite Satanic Conspiracy”), frequently used by those who believe in QAnon (see QAnon, Blood Libel, and the Satanic Panic) combined with his religious beliefs when proclaiming the inferiority of Jews and racial groups or to support his political beliefs. The theory about a satanic cabal is based on one of the world’s oldest, most lethal antisemitic libels. Dolan combines this antisemitic lie about Jews with his religious beliefs about Native Americans when he says, “The defining conflict of the BOM [Book of Mormon] is elite satanic conspiracy.” He also holds the idea that Jews secretly control the government of the United States which he signifies by using the white supremacist acronym ZOG which is short for Zionist Occupation Government.

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sources: [14, 15]


It should come as no surprise that Kevin Dolan also spreads harmful, false stereotypes about gay people. Dolan also uses offensive slurs when referring to gay people. He laughs when others use offensive slurs towards gay people. He also places the blame of the slowed growth of the Latter-day Saint church squarely on the LGBTQ+ community and progressive women.

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sources: [16, 17, 18]

Sexism, Antifeminism, and Misogyny

Considering his track record, it should come as no surprise that Kevin Dolan is also a sexist, antifeminist, and misogynist. Kevin Dolan believes that the woman’s place is at home taking care of children and is opposed to women, especially mothers, in the workforce. Dolan feels strongly about a mother’s only place being at home taking care of children, and that there is no viable political solution to make this happen so he’s willing to “sink the whole boat.” He is so adamantly opposed to women working that it has led him to make absurd claims such as divorce is the same as child molestation in terms of harm it causes and that adultery should be a hanging offense (presumably because it can lead to divorce).

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sources: [19, 20]

Dolan views women like livestock, as if a woman being feminist is the equivalent of losing a good dairy cow or show pig. He views women as property. Essentially, he wants to keep women uneducated, sheltered, and visually pleasing for the male gaze. Dolan believes:

“The average woman doesn’t have worse opinions, they just very rarely have interesting opinions.” – Kevin Michael Dolan aka @extradeadjcb

He believes feminism is evil–a direct conduit to Satan. Dolan is opposed to all forms of feminism and believes the psychological root of feminism is “sexual frustration” and women getting “sexually abused one too many times.” He later states, “feminism, like lesbianism, is entirely curable & in precisely the same way.” The authors of this article are too horrified to assume what he meant by that.

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sources: [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]

Harassment of Journalists

Kevin Michael Dolan has also participated in the online harassment of journalists, most recently journalists with the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News. Dolan, who views journalists as an enemy, alleges “antifa” has “editorial control” over news organizations and participated in a coordinated online trolling campaign with other Deseret Nationalists in order to harass and discredit a reporter. He also has a history of harassing a Mormon journalist with The Atlantic, and recently participated in harassing this same journalist when a Deseret Nationalist was identified. Additionally, he has also participated in the harassment of a reporter with the Deseret News for covering a story on another Deseret Nationalist, Matthias Cicotte, after a Guardian investigation uncovered his real identity. It should be noted the Deseret News is owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon church) of which Dolan is a member.

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sources: [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]

About His Namesake – John C. Bennett

Latter-day Saints might find it disturbing that Kevin Michael Dolan chose the so-called “Lucifer” of early Mormonism as his namesake–even more so specifically the “unnaturally preserved head” of Doctor John Cook Bennett to hide behind online. Bennett, who served as the assistant to Mormon founder and prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr. during the Nauvoo, Illinois period, is one of the most notorious apostates of the Mormon faith. Bennett used his trusted position to seduce women, both married and single and it became widely known he was offering to perform abortions on the women he impregnated in order to conceal their pregnancies. He was eventually excommunicated for adultery. Bennett’s accomplishments and successes in life are overshadowed by his scams and deceit.

kevin dolan culpeper va deznat racist booz allen hamilton

Identifying Kevin Michael Dolan of Culpeper, VA

One of the original Deseret Nationalists, Kevin Michael Dolan has used several different handles to publish racist, misogynistic, and white supremacist talking points anonymously. Currently, Kevin tweets “anonymously” under the handle @extradeadjcb after his original account @JCBontheDL was suspended for violating the Twitter rules. After further research we were able to determine JCBontheDL (John C Bennett on the Down Low) was previously the handle KMDontheUH (Kevin Michael Dolan on the Up High) before he changed it. An archive of his Twitter account shows that he used the display name “Kevin Dolan” before he changed his handle.

We were able to connect Dolan to his real life identity after discovering a screen grab taken from the original Discord server that gave rise to Deseret Nationalism. In the screen grab a user going by “elf” posted a screencap of a tweet from @JCBontheDL in which Dolan promoted his old blog, Old Lamps for New, tweeting, “I wrote this afterward.” Using information found on the since deleted blog (which apparently before 2014 was known as “No Marketable Skills”) we were then able to gather handy details about his life such as where he served an LDS mission, the name of his wife and grandfather, as well as his Facebook account which confirmed the ID and led us to his home address in Culpeper, Virginia. Kevin’s twitter accounts also connected him to other social platforms which allowed us to confirm multiple details about his personal life.

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sources: Twitter [32, 33, 34]; LinkedIn [35]; Facebook [36, 37, 38]

Employment – Current Location

UPDATE: Kevin Dolan announced online that he has been fired by Booz Allen Hamilton after being connected to the Bennett account. The Guardian was able to confirm with a statement from Booz Allen, “Kevin Dolan is no longer an employee of Booz Allen.”

Kevin Michael Dolan is employed as a Senior Data Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton with an active U.S. security clearance. Dolan recently moved to Culpeper, Virginia after being hired by Booz Allen Hamilton, a major government and military contractor. Kevin Dolan has been spending his time online harassing minorities, women, and journalists, as well as posting violent racist, antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, and otherwise hateful speech.

Booz Allen Hamilton says they are “committed to advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” and were recognized as a 2021 World’s Most Ethical Company.

“As a values-driven company, we have a responsibility to help create a more equitable world. Though we’ve long been committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, recent events compelled us to deepen our commitment to racial and social equity both inside Booz Allen and beyond.” Booze Allen Hamilton website​

Help Booz Allen Hamilton do the right thing.

UPDATE: Kevin Dolan announced online that he has been fired by Booz Allen Hamilton after being connected to the Bennett account. The Guardian was able to confirm with a statement from Booz Allen, “Kevin Dolan is no longer an employee of Booz Allen.”

You can call their Ethics Helpline at 800-501-8755 or email: or submit a report online and let them know their employee Kevin Michael Dolan has been harassing minorities, women and journalists, as well as posting violent racist, antisemitic, homophobic, misogynistic, and otherwise hateful speech online for years.

“…hypothetically if a body got run out of their industry for saying unpopular truths online, a year would be enough to learn a trade or start a business” Kevin Michael Dolan aka @extradeadjcb

Athen Jensen Of Utah Exposed As Racist, Homophobic, Antisemitic DezNat

Meet Deseret Nationalist Athen Joseph Jensen, 26 years old as of this publishing, of Highland, Utah. Athen is an all around bigot, antisemite, homophobe, misogynist, and a huge fan of white nationalism.

Recently, Athen Jensen became part of another DezNat’s, Greg Smith’s, North Ogden city council campaign team. Be sure to read the end of this article for important action items.

athen jensen utah deznat racist antisemitic homophobe


This article contains racist and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, queerphobia, references to acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redactions have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

The stated purpose of Deseret nationalism is to create a Mormon, or Deseretian, ethnostate ruled by a theodemocracy so when we see DezNats getting into politics that is deeply concerning.

Identifying Athen Jensen Of Highland Utah

It was easy to confirm Athen Jensen’s ID because of his obvious lack of OPSEC. Going by the display name “Athen,” he posted to Twitter a non-public image from his own Facebook account. The profile images from his social media accounts all match. His Twitter handles have included his given first name: athen_77, previously savage_athen.

athen jensen deznat identification utah valley university highland

Athen is friends in real life with other fascist and racist Deseret Nationalists such as “Mond” and Nima Cheraghi. He hangs out with them at various places including barbecues that he hosts at his parents’ house in Highland, Utah. These in person events are invitation only.

athen jensen nima cheraghi logan utah temple deznat racist mormon

An image of three Deseret Nationalists wearing hoodies with a beehive and fasces printed on the front. Posted in December 2020, from left to right: “Mond”, Athen Jensen, and Nima Cheraghi. The building in the background is the Logan Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Note the use of the “Dezbollah” hashtag.

Note the “dezbollah” hashtag which is a portmanteau of DezNat and Hezbollah. Dezbollah content often incorporates neo-Nazi, fascist, and radical religious symbols, blended with Mormon historic and cultural imagery, into its memes and other artwork.

We were also able to identify Deseret nationalist Athen Jensen by his purple rifle magazine in this IRL meetup of Dezbollah fash.

athen jensen deseret nationalist nazi utah lds deznat

A group of Deseret Nationalists with their faces obscured posted by Deseret Nationalist user known as “Golden Boy.” Athen Jensen is the individual fourth from left, identifiable by a purple rifle magazine.

The flag they are holding up is the DezFash flag. Note the fasces below the beehive. “Deseret” is a Book of Mormon word meaning “honey bee” and beehives are often used in LDS imagery to symbolize “industry” or Deseret.

Athen Jensen is really into the beehive/fasces combo which can be seen as a print on a hoodie his DezNat friend, “Mond”, makes.

athen jensen utah racist deznat mond merch mormon nazi

Screencap taken from Athen Jensen’s public Facebook profile. In it a user going by “Nikolas Paestum” asks Athen where he got the hoodie with the beehive and fasces printed on the front, and Jensen replies, “Mond made them.”

Athen Jensen Is An Antisemitic DezNat

Athen Jensen likes a variety of Facebook pages including the highly racist and antisemitic page “Bastechef” which comes as no surprise considering Athen is a racist and raging antisemite himself. Note the sonnenrad. The sonnenrad is an ancient European symbol that was appropriated by Nazis in their attempt to invent an idealized “Aryan/Norse” heritage. In Nazi Germany, the Nazi Party, the SA and the SS all used sonnenrad symbology at times, which has led neo-Nazis and other modern white supremacists to adopt such images. Athen did not accidentally like this page.

athen jensen utah deznat racist antisemitic homophobe mormon

A sampling of pages Athen Jensen “likes” on Facebook. One of the pages is a racist and antisemitic page called “Bastechef.” Images 2 and 3 show examples of antisemitic content from the Bastechef Facebook page.

DezNat Athen Jensen also recommends the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as reading material. The “Protocols” are a well-known fabricated racist and antisemitic text that describes a Jewish plan for global domination. Hitler used the Protocols to justify his hatred of Jews. Hitler also refers to the Protocols in Mein Kampf.

The Protocols also became a part of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify persecution of the Jews. In The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933–1945, Nora Levin states that “Hitler used the Protocols as a manual in his war to exterminate the Jews”.

athen jensen utah deznat racist antisemitic lds deseret nationalist

A screencap of a conversation on Facebook showing Athen Jensen recommending the racist, antisemtic text “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” which is popular with white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Athen’s antisemitism is also prevalent on Twitter.

athen jensen utah deznat racist antisemitic lds deseret nationalist 2

Antisemitic tweets by Athen Jensen. Sources: [1, 2, 3]

Athen Jensen Is A Misogynist

Misogyny is a feature of the far right, and so it comes as no surprise that Athen Jensen is also a misogynist. In fact, anti-feminism and the sexist world it creates has become a recruiting ground for potential mass shooters. Jensen, who says social media has turned him into a misogynist, makes references to violence publicly on social media. In a TikTok video he posted to Twitter he can be seen holding a rifle with his identifiable purple magazine. In the video, he includes the caption “Heading back to Cafe Rio for a refund” in a threat presumably because his food was cold. In his Gab profile image, he can be seen pointing a handgun at the viewer.

athen jensen utah deznat racist misogynist mormon north ogden city council

sources: [4, 5, 6]

In May of 2021, Jensen tweeted a poll out to his followers asking them if they were to go on a homicidal rampage, what kind of music they would listen to. Twenty-three accounts voted in the poll.

athen jensen utah deznat racist misogynist mormon north ogden city council poll

Athen Jensen Of Highland Utah Is Racist

Jensen is known for making racist comments on social media. He has a negative perception of minorities and equates diversity to dirtiness and crime. The notion that Black people are inherently more violent has been used to justify their mistreatment since the abolishment of slavery. The phrase “Black on Black crime” has been used by white supremacists for years. Notice in the 1st screen below that Jensen is replying to Stefan Molyneux, a Canadian far-right white nationalist & white supremacist who is well known for his promotion of conspiracy theories, scientific racism, eugenics, and racist views.

athen jensen utah deznat racism mormon deseret nationalist

sources: [7, 8, 9]

In addition to using the white supremacist meme “White boy summer”, Athen Jensen also participated with other Deseret nationalists / DezNats in a racist “N” tower under his previous savage_athen twitter handle:

athen jensen utah deznat racism mormon deseret nationalist 2

Athen Jensen – Nick Fuentes Fan

Athen Jensen is also a big fan of white nationalist Nick Fuentes who was recently kicked off Twitter after the company came under scrutiny for its role in radicalization by embracing the extreme far-right. Fuentes is a key figure in the “Groyper” movement, a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and “America First” figure Nick Fuentes.

athen jensen utah deznat racism mormon deseret nationalist nick fuentes america first

DezNat Athen Jensen Is A Raging Homophobe

The hard-line religious right has made a series of incendiary claims against the LGBTQ+ community. Athen Jensen repeats these harmful anti-LGBTQ+ statements that have been debunked repeatedly. The anti-LGBTQ+ right continues to spread false claims about the queer community in order to deny them rights. Jensen sees LGBTQ+ people as the enemy trying to destroy the United States. He believes “gay marriage is a threat to humanity.”

athen jensen utah deznat homophobia lgbtq rights mormon deseret nationalism

sources: [10, 11, 12, 13]



Greg Smith recently put his bid in to run for the North Ogden city council race. Smith, who publishes under several anonymous accounts on Twitter, is a Deseret Nationalist known for his quirky videos, trolling, posting white supremacist memes, and support of extremists. Raging antisemite, misogynist, racist, and homophobic Deseret Nationalist / DezNat Athen Jensen is part of Greg Smith’s political campaign team.

Greg knows. Greg doesn’t care. Voters in North Ogden, Utah should know this fact.

What You Can Do: Share our expose on Athen Jensen in local groups and by retweeting on Twitter. If you are retweeting, the two following tweets are excellent choices.



Athen Jensen recently got a new job. If you know his current employer, DM or email us: exposedeznat at riseup dot net

We’re sure they’d want to know a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, antisemite who threatens businesses online is working for them. Accountability.


Athen Jensen frequents VASA, a fitness center. We feel given Jensen’s hateful views and online statements referencing violence that he is a danger to women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community. We don’t know which VASA location he regularly visits, possibly the Orem, Utah location, but you can let VASA know your concerns by politely contacting them on Facebook or Twitter.

Nima Cheraghi – Racist, Antisemite, Misogynist, DezNat

Content Warning: This article contains racist and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, references to sexual assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redactions have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.

Meet Nima Cheraghi, convert to the LDS church, recent graduate of Utah State University, (where he was president of the International Studies Club) and inveterate troll. Although this Deseret nationalist has had multiple Twitter account IDs and numerous different handles, he tends to use the display name “Nim” or “Nima”; his friends also refer to him by this name, which helped us connect him to some of the alts he’s used.

An archived snapshot of his @BladezEdits Twitter account from 2016 (below, left) shows a young man in a suit and tie standing in front of a brick building – the same photo Nima Cheraghi used for his profile picture at (right).
nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racist

Born in Germany, Nima is of Persian (Iranian) ethnicity. He most often describes himself as “middle eastern” and “white,” although he sometimes claims otherwise when he thinks it will give him more credibility in an argument. He also gestures in the direction of understanding “race” as a more complicated concept than the false dichotomy of black/white, referring to it as “this modern abstraction of race and ethnicity”; however, this doesn’t keep him from saying lots of racist things on the internet.

nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racist
sources: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Nima Cheraghi – Internet Troll

The point of internet “trolling” is to say something so outrageous or inflammatory that it provokes an emotional reply from the person being trolled. Some trolls do it simply to get attention, while others claim to do it for some larger purpose, such as satirizing an opponent’s argument or disrupting communication in a particular online forum or community. Regardless of motive, a troll must provoke a response in order to be considered “successful,” and in this respect Nima Cheraghi is not exactly batting a thousand. Archived tweets show him attempting to troll a variety of Twitter users, including New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, former President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, controversial Youtuber “Keemstar,” and the Twitter account for Ram trucks, without success (i.e., engagement from other users). Eventually, though, Nima gravitated toward the kinds of issues that allow even the most inept troll to get a hit once in a while – issues like immigration, race, and gender.

Nima Cheraghi – Anti-Immigration Racist

Nima Cheraghi opposes letting any more immigrants into the United States. To be clear, he doesn’t just want to prevent people from crossing the border illegally; he wants to stop all immigration, which he says is necessary in order to stop the “decay” of America. Or to put it another way, he believes that “America is a european country and can only function with europeans. When [demographics] flip itll [sic] just become an African sh**hole, already happening.” He also opposes “race mixing,” because he doesn’t want the US turning into “some coffee colored south american country.”

sources: [6, 7, 8]

From Cheraghi’s perspective, the problem with racism isn’t the fact that it exists, but rather that not enough white people are racist. In fact, he believes “racism from white people largely doesnt [sic] exist.” He sees this as a problem because he believes there is a systematic effort to eradicate white people; by “refusing” to be racist, Nima believes white people are enabling their own destruction.[9] He defines success in life as “not having to live near black people.”

sources: [10, 11, 12]

Nima Cheraghi – Holocaust Skeptic, Antisemite

In addition to believing that everyone else on the planet wants to exterminate white people, Nima Cheraghi flirts with other conspiracy theories, like Holocaust denial, and the idea that Jews secretly control the government of the United States. He brags that he got kicked out of his high school English class for wishing Adolf Hitler a happy birthday.

nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racist
sources: [13, 14, 15]

He also tweets antisemitic memes, like the “happy merchant.” Created by Nick Bougas,[16] the version of the stereotype used by Nima is a caricature of a “scheming” Jew – a hunched figure with a large, hooked nose and crooked teeth, wearing a yarmulke and rubbing his hands together. The centuries-old stereotype of Jews having large noses and other grotesque features was used extensively by Hitler’s Nazi party to evoke disgust against Jews in the German population;[17] it is still used for the same reason by antisemites like Nima Cheraghi, frequently coupled with other antisemitic motifs involving conspiracy, blood, greed or money.

In the image below (left), the radar sweep shows the hands and nose of Bougas’s version of the “happy merchant” (center). On the right side of the image, Cheraghi can be seen using the antisemitic “echoes” meme, in which anything surrounded by three sets of parentheses is understood to be Jewish, or an element of the Jewish “conspiracy.” The “echoes” meme was created by neo-Nazi blogger and podcaster Mike “Enoch” Peinovich.[18]

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sources: [19, 20]

Nima Cheraghi – Openly Misogynistic

Cheraghi’s ideas about women are just as bizarre and disturbing as his ideas about Jews and people of color. He says women are property, and that they “don’t want equal relationships,” but also thinks “Women don’t know what they want” and therefore men “shouldn’t care about what they want.”

nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racist
sources: [21, 22, 23, 24]

He claims that being “openly misogynistic” has doubled the number of women who are interested in having romantic relationships with him, although he provides no evidence to support this claim.

sources: [25, 26, 27]

Cheraghi puts quite a bit of time and effort into harassing and insulting women online. In the Twitter thread pictured below, he tells a woman that cooking for a family isn’t a W (win), it’s the bare minimum; that she should get off the internet and make her husband some french fries; and that women “don’t have their own” Ws and can only share their husbands’ Ws.nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racistsources: [28, 29, 30]

In June of 2020, he pretended to be a law student[31, 32] so he could lecture a rape survivor about the US Constitution. Several times during the conversation, he accused her of making false allegations, including telling her point-blank, “Not sure I believe you.”
sources: [33, 34, 35]

Nima Cheraghi is Homophobic

Given his track record, it should come as no surprise that Nima Cheraghi also spreads harmful, false stereotypes about gay people. It was a bit of a surprise, however, to see him assert that Jesus was a homophobe. Cheraghi also suggests that he’d like to kill gay people by stoning them to death, but can’t, because “you people [won’t] let us do that.”

nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racist
sources: [36, 37, 38, 39]

Nima Cheraghi Livestreamed the “March to the Capitol” on January 6

When he’s not following conspiracy theories or harassing people online, Nima Cheraghi occasionally exercises his first amendment rights by attending demonstrations and protests. In November 2020 he was spotted at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Salt Lake City, UT; and on January 6 of this year he was in Washington, DC, where he livestreamed part of the “march to the capital” on periscope.

nima cheraghi deznat mormon lds antisemitic racist

Nima Cheraghi at a “Stop the Steal” rally November 6, 2020 in SLC (right, circled); screenshot from Cheraghi’s periscope stream on January 6, 2021 (inset).

Current Whereabouts and Activity

In May of 2021, Nima Cheraghi graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science.[47] In February of this year, he joked on Twitter about needing recommendation letters, indicating that he may have been in the process of applying to graduate school. We don’t know where he applied, or whether he got accepted. What we do know is that we wouldn’t want to find ourselves in a lab or a carrel next to this guy.

Have more information on Nima Cheraghi or other DezNats? Send us an email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net.

Twitter accounts linked to Nima Cheraghi
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