Meet Kent Wade “Kade” Foster III, 25, aka “Shiz”, an extreme racist, antisemite, homophobe, and misogynist with ties to far-right extremist communities. Kade is an inveterate troll who exhibits violent ideation and has an alarming habit of posting implied threats online. He is a return Mormon missionary, current pre-med student at Brigham Young University and therefor most likely lives in Provo, Utah with his wife, Caroline (nee Smith). He is also an original member of the Discord server that inspired DezNat and is known for its extremely racist, homophobic, and bigoted messages–many of which were posted by Kade. Although he has tight family connections, an extended family support system, and is a newlywed with a newborn, Kade is also among the most extreme and alarming Deseret Nationalist accounts we have researched.
Note: Caroline Foster, the wife of Kade Foster, has confirmed our research in this article. We have retracted an account we associated with Kade Foster in a previously published article. The retracted account does not change our assessment of Foster. Please see UPDATED Call to Action at the end of this article.

L-R: “Shizda,” and images of Kade Foster
Content Warning: This article contains racist, queerphobic and misogynistic statements, antisemitism, as well as references to the Holocaust, Hitler, sexual assault and other acts of violence, and other objectionable language. We feel it is important to show examples of this person’s hateful ideology in his own words, rather than merely describing or characterizing it. In all cases where slurs or other offensive words have letters replaced by asterisks, or have been redacted or obscured in images, those redaction’s have been added by the authors of this article, not by the person who is being quoted/screencapped.
Bunch of Latter-day Saints Discord Server
In 2019, screenshots were leaked from a Discord server called “Bunch of Latter Day Saints.” Two of the Discord users had posted pictures of their faces, which appeared in the leaked screencaps: Jack Jerman, profiled here; and a user whose display name was “𐐹𐐬𐑉𐑌 𐐮𐐿𐑅𐐹𐐲𐑉𐐻 (Shizda).” The Deseret Alphabet letters “𐐹𐐬𐑉𐑌 𐐮𐐿𐑅𐐹𐐲𐑉𐐻” in the display name spell “porn expert.” Using the leaked screenshots we were able to connect “Shizda” to other social media accounts making it easy to confirm his identity as Kent Wade “Kade” Foster III, a BYU pre-med student.

L-R: “Shizda,” and Kade Foster’s Facebook, Caroline Foster’s Twitter, and a public image from Caroline Foster’s Facebook account.
In addition to the Discord screenshots, we were able to find archived tweets from some of Foster’s Twitter accounts that have been suspended or deleted (see end of article). Together these social media accounts paint a picture of a racist, antisemitic troll who expresses admiration for Adolf Hitler and has an alarming habit of posting implied threats online.
Kade Foster is Racist
Kade Foster believes that white people are hated by everyone else. In a twitter thread below, encouraging white people to see the world in terms of Us versus Them – “You are on the white team,” “Take your own side,” etc. – another user can be seen objecting to this racist worldview. Refusing to engage in this imagined race war doesn’t mean she is either weak or noble, she tweets; rather, “I’m just another human being, same as you.” Lower replies, “Too bad literally no other race sees it that way.”

sources: [1]

source: [2]

source: [3]

Discord screenshot courtesy @Harambevan
The image also has a watermarked url in the center, which we’ve obscured; the url is a reference to the white nationalist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, the idea that white people are facing genocide or extinction because of “demographic replacement” by non-white people.
Kade Foster also thinks that slavery – literally treating other human beings as property – is “not inherently bad.”
In the screenshots below, another user presses him on his theory of “righteous” versus “unrighteous” slavery, asking whether 19th-century American slavery qualified as “righteous.” Foster replies, “Some of it for sure, to think otherwise is you pretending.” After exchanging a few more tweets, the @falsenature account finally says, “on behalf of every faithful saint who has loved and served everyone – regardless of color – F*CK YOU for defending slavery in any form and minimizing the evil of the slaving institution as it existed pre-civil war.” Foster’s response is a sarcastic “Lol, faithful saint…. right.…” – indicating that he believes @falsenature’s stance against slavery is heterodox and that he, Foster, is the more “faithful” of the two.Kade Foster is Antisemitic
“6.000.000 is false. but even if it were true. It wasn’t enough.” – Kade Foster as shizrem
Unsurprisingly, Kade Foster’s taste for conspiracy theories extends to an interest in Holocaust denial. He concedes that some Jews were killed by Nazis, but he also believes there are significant “inconsistencies” in the historical record, which no one is willing to discuss, because the accepted historical account is so obviously “indefensible.”

source: [9]

source: [10]
Kade Foster has referred to being gay as a “social virus,” the inference being that if one has a “gay friend” that one is “predisposed to being gay.” Kade also uses slurs to refer to gay people and in a derogatory way.
Anti-LGBTQ Hate Rally at Brigham Young University
Additionally, Kade Foster weaponizes his Mormon religion to defend his hatred of LGBTQ people. On February 26, 2020, Kade, along with other DezNats (Deseret Nationalists), attended an anti-LGBTQ hate rally (aka “FamProc” reading) at Brigham Young University-Provo. At the anti-LGBTQ hate rally, participants took turns reading The Family: A Proclamation to the World (a document published by the Mormon church) in order to show their disapproval of gay people. Kade is alleged to have gotten into an argument with LGBTQ students and alumni at the event arguing that “gays shouldn’t be allowed to date because homosexual marriage is bad and you only date to get married.”
The so-called “FamProc” reading was a reaction to the “Rainbow Day” event planned to be held a week later. It was organized by Color the Campus to show solidarity with queer students who were affected by recent changes to BYU’s Honor Code forbidding LGBTQ students to date. Color the Campus is an organization founded by BYU student Bradley Talbot in 2019 that supports LGBTQ+ students and faculty at LDS owned schools. The anti-LGBTQ hate rally was planned by DezNat supporters and promoted on social media ahead of time.

Kade Foster (along with other Deseret Nationalists) weaponizing the Latter-day Saint document The Family: A Proclamation to the World against LGBTQIA people at Brigham Young University on February, 26, 2020.

Left: Kade Foster (along with other Deseret Nationalists) weaponizing the Latter-day Saint document The Family: A Proclamation to the World against LGBTQIA people at Brigham Young University on February, 26, 2020; Right: Kade Foster, cropped.
Kade Foster is a misogynist. He views women as inferior to men going as far as to say that “being a woman is a crime against nature.” He has also stated that the 19th Amendment–the amendment that gave women in the United States the right to vote–should be repealed, calling it the “final solution” to society’s problems. “Final Solution” is a euphemism used by Nazi Germany’s leaders to refer to the mass murder of Europe’s Jews.
When another DezNat asked for “wrong answers only” to what would make General Conference different this year, Kade responded, “Women get the priesthood and will finally be (((equal))) to men.” Here Kade uses the antisemitic “echoes” meme, in which anything surrounded by three sets of parentheses is understood to be Jewish, or an element of the Jewish “conspiracy.” The “echoes” meme was created by neo-Nazi blogger and podcaster Mike “Enoch” Peinovich. General conference is a semi-annual two day conference where Latter-day Saints/Mormons gather to listen to top church leaders, and where general announcements affecting the church and its members are commonly made.
Kade insinuates that women are not as intelligent as men when he states, “You missed the joke, but you’re a woman, so I don’t blame you.” In another generalized insult directed at women, he claims that “Women aren’t funny.”
source: [19] – Kade Foster is a pre-med student at Brigham Young University
Kade Foster, Fascist Fanboy
Foster’s belief in “Jewish conspiracies” probably explains his admiration for Hitler.
“[Hitler] gave us hope.” – Kade Foster as Shizda

screenshot from Google drive, archived here and here.
Ties to Extremism
In addition to his interactions with DezNat, there are indications that Kade Foster has been involved with other far-right communities online. In 2019 he tweeted a screenshot that appears to indicate he is posting on 4chan, the controversial image board that has been associated with numerous incidents of harassment and bullying, as well as hosting illegal and offensive content.
“This is my friend. She is blood and soil girl.” – Kade Foster as Shizda
We also know that he brought at least two new users into the Deznat Discord server: “svolochska” and “Aryana.” He introduces “svolochska” as a friend, describing her as “blood and soil” girl – a reference to the German slogan “Blut und Bohden,” which was popularized in Nazi Germany and is still used by neo-Nazis. The second user, “Aryana,” is someone he knows “from Baked Alaska’s server.” “Baked Alaska” is the pseudonym of Tim Gionet, an antisemitic conspiracy theorist and neo-Nazi notorious for his participation in the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017, at which a counter-protester was murdered.

screenshots from Google drive; screencap from video of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in August 2017 [00:34-00:38]
Violent Ideation and Implied Threats
Foster also has an unsettling habit of implying that he might take violent action against his perceived enemies. In the screenshot below (left), a twitter user posts a screenshot of someone else’s Twitter account, remarking “These people think they can f*ck is[sic] over, laugh about and that we’ll just take it like good little boys.” Foster replies, “Find her name and address.” At right he can be seen in a similar conversation in the Deznat Discord server in 2019, in the #gospel channel, discussing an LDS church member who advocates for greater acceptance of LGBTQ members within the church. “I want to find out where this [slur] lives,” Lower declares. Jack Jerman says the man might be a bishop in the church, and Foster says, “If he is, I would call his stake president,” i.e., his direct ecclesiastical supervisor. When Jerman indicates that the man is not currently a bishop – which means Foster doesn’t need to call his stake president – Foster reiterates, “Find out where he lives.”

sources: [28, screenshot by @Harambevan]
“I’m finna go full John 2 on that queer.” – Kade Foster as shizrem
In February of 2020, he tweeted about a gay church member, “I’m finna go full John 2 on that queer,” presumably referring to the New Testament story of Jesus driving the money-changers out of the temple with a whip. He has also made more generalized statements such as “kill all looters” and “Kill your local birth-control producer.”
The Trace – Identifying Kade Foster
Using information from his and his wife’s tweets, we were able to identify Kade Foster as the person behind the DezNat accounts known as “Shiz.” This identification led us to additional social media accounts belonging to Kade and his wife, Caroline. Here’s some of the information we used to connect Kade to his DezNat pseudonymous accounts:
- Attends BYU-Provo
- Is a pre-med student
- Birthday is in June
- His and his wife’s monogram initials are “KFC”
- His wife calls him by name – “Kade“
- His wife’s old account went by “Caroline“
- His and his wife’s ages
Additionally, Kade’s wife, Caroline Foster, who is 23 years old, posted an image of him on Twitter which helped us connect their accounts and confirm their real life identities.

source: [34]
Calls To Action
We know from his and his wife’s tweets that Kade Foster is a BYU student, and that he plans to go to medical school [link]. He doesn’t particularly want to be a doctor; he says he’d rather be a farmer or a carpenter, but believes that wouldn’t allow his family to have the same opportunities he has had. His stated reason for wanting to go to med school is “so I can make money” – if all he wanted to do was save lives, he’d be a paramedic instead.
Given Foster’s history of racism and other bigotry, we also would rather he didn’t become a doctor, or a paramedic for that matter. It’s hard to imagine that he’d provide the same quality of care for Jewish or African American patients as he would for white ones. When you see the world as a game of Us versus Them, where everyone who doesn’t look like you would kill you and your family if they could, why would you want “Them” to receive medical treatment at all?
1.) Kade Foster is a white supremacist and hateful bigot. The Mormon church has officially stated:
“White supremacist attitudes are morally wrong and sinful, and we condemn them. Church members who promote or pursue a “white culture” or white supremacy agenda are not in harmony with the teachings of the Church.”
In order to attend Brigham Young University (BYU) all students must receive an ecclesiastical endorsement from their bishop or equivalent. Hold the University and Kade’s local leadership accountable to the LDS Church’s official statement. We do not know which ward Kade and his wife currently attend, but we are fairly certain it is in the Provo, Utah area. Kindly let local leaders know that Kade Foster is a white supremacist.
If you have additional information to share regarding Kade Foster, please email exposedeznat at riseup dot net. We do not share sources of tips with anyone.
Email: exposedeznat at riseup dot net
Kade Foster’s social media accounts:
Twitter 1 (suspended):
- Display Name: (multiple)
- User Name: @NKCMemory, shizrem
- Twitter ID: 1188618225363247104
Twitter 2:
- Display Name: Shizposter
- User Name: @Shizposter1
- Twitter ID: 1126349091204526080
- Created: 5/09/2019
Facebook: (deleted)
Caroline Foster‘s social media accounts:
Twitter 1 (suspended)
- Display Name: Darth Caro
User Name: @disneycaroline
Twitter 2 (self-suspended, see Twitter 3)
- Display Name: Darth Caro
User Name: @darthcaro - Twitter ID: 1257248779276742656
- Created: 5/4/2020
Twitter 3
- Display Name: Darth Caro
- User Name: @darthcaro
- Twitter ID: 1429294466993573890
- Created: 8/22/2021
Facebook: ID: 1798164405